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Around the garden
Checking up on the garden and showing you the inside the house. Just a casual post and chat about what’s going on around here.

It’s been a while since I’ve picked up the good camera and taken photos around here. It’s not the picture taking that takes time but also the editing so I’ve been a little sluggish, forgive me.
I think if I edit maybe every few weeks that will help, the only issue is that things change so quickly around here, almost daily! :) Just ask my cleaning lady who comes every three weeks, she jokes something always changes and reminds me, “Just don’t change Benjamin.” HAHA! Never. But I guess the good news is that it gives me an excuse to keep taking more photos.
I did an early spring garden tour on IG stories, here it is if you want to catch it –
I love the ornamental cabbage – I need to buy more this fall. By spring it grows too big into some weird looking thing I have to yank out but it is so lovely to watch grow and kind of makes me feel like I’m growing lettuce.
The ranunculus are from bulb, a gift from Flora Curated and now that I see how easy it was to grow, I think I’ll be purchasing some this fall!
I have finally decided to keep a garden log. After about 8 years of gardening and adding and realizing what I like and it’s now too much to keep up with that I need a reminder!
I’ll show you one bed, the angle was better. I threw a ton of seeds in here and as you can see, I failed to thin them out. I forgot what I was growing and I also attempted to make a grid with the watering system and failed. We’re just going to get the mini sprinklers and that will wet the entire bed. This bed will probably get a clean out anyway, I’m not too fond of growing lettuce or root vegetables any longer.
The chives we use and the green onion is so good! I love taking the grocery store scraps of green onion with the root and placing it right in my garden. It’s like more bang for the buck! You can also place it in a water glass and leave it on your kitchen window. My mom does that.
Now the plant above, that’s my indoor plant who is being very dramatic. So I brought him outside under the covered porch by the kitchen garden. I hope he will change his attitude.
I don’t know what it is called, or what I did, but I probably over watered it. It is my favorite indoor plant so I’m a little worried. I remember seeing him in the greenhouse a few years ago and I just felt like he wanted to come home with me.
I usually have flowers weekly but I was lazy to buy some so I headed into the garden and brought in some flowers and probably some creatures that should stay outside. That’s the hard part about bringing in the flowers I grow I really think they are meant to stay outside to enjoy.
But, these work for a few days and made me feel like I saved $5 when I was at Trader Joe’s and saw a few bunches and smiled to myself, Nah, I have some at home – with bugs too!

And here’s my Easter egg tree I made in February which means it’ll be up for two months, hahahahaaa! I realized Easter is late this year so it’ll be up for a while, but I’m OK with that! See how I made it on this blog post.
The garden room I looking good, I am so glad we tinted the windows even though our experience with the company was not cool – talk about not caring about customer service post install, it was so terrible I would never refer the company to anyone (but I did like the installer who saved the day with my issues). If you think you will install reflective mirror tint, check out this post I wrote to share what I learned.
^^ I found this glass wall mounted box at an estate sale last week for $16! I saw it in a photo on the site and when I went, I asked if it had been purchased. The lady said it had not and told me where it was so I ran back upstairs found it, saw the price and my heart did cartwheels.
This was after my great purchase of a gorgeous Ming style coffee table for $82! I really scored big!!
When I got this glass display home I didn’t know where to put it, there really isn’t much space I have with empty walls and I wanted to display my royal collection (including the half eaten chocolate from 1935!). I looked at my bookcase in the garden room and VOLA! Yay!!
And that’s the update around here inside and out. I like to post for the sake of updates because really this blog is an open journal and I like to look back and see the thing I’ve done, bought and how the house and backyard looks. It makes me realize how much I’m growing and progressing in taste and also allows me some time to sit down and share some thoughts without watching Netflix!
Diana Elizabeth thinks the price of things are getting out of control. She’s not trying to be cheap but the price of a ceiling fan for example being $600-1250 just seems insane. What happened to the $40 fans?