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Homeworthy is coming to Film – here’s what I’m working on!
Let me put up a glamorous photo of myself before I go into the unglamorous parts of getting the house in gear because YouTube channel Homeworthy is coming end of this month to film our home!!
This dress is from Dress the Population, a gift and I’m in size small. It also comes in green.
How I’ve been able to work on the Williams-Sonoma garden party I’m hosting this Friday to campaigns, and work on finishing some home projects on my list is mind blowing. Just a few minutes I realized I have to work on place card holders because I have had too much going on and my friend Michelle flies in tomorrow! And well, here I am blogging, so clearly I am not prioritizing correctly.

So there’s a few things my personal life going on in the next 2 weeks –
- Work campaigns (need work, need money)
- Social calendar (always a priority)
- Big garden party collaboration with Williams-Sonoma this Friday I’m hosting, 13 of my friends are coming and 1 is flying out!
- YouTube’s channel Homeworthy coming to film (BIG pinch me moment deal) which has lead to about 462 new projects on the punch list to get done before they arrive.
- Mariah Carey concert in Vegas!

Let’s start with the grasscloth wallpaper projects! First up, my office with silver grasscloth! Yes, real grasscloth all the way around the entire room, no accent wallpapers in here!
We still need crown molding install this week.
Also, the master bedroom is getting a blue grasscloth wallpaper too this weekend.

We replaced our black pavers from 4 years ago or so, to used clay brick from The Home Depot. I went trendy a few years ago and hated that I did it and am now fixing my mistakes of black and white. Thank goodness we didn’t do black pavers on the entire driveway, I would be so mad at myself.
So here is our gorgeous new front patio pad we did thankfully our guy came quickly and it was pretty reasonable, $1500 not including the brick which was an extra $450 I had delivered from HD.

New kitchen hardware (these are not them, neither of them worked). This is in a polished nickel which I love but leaves finger prints and the other brass one was fine but it didn’t fit perfectly.
I am replacing some ugly ones from Amazon someone bought and let me tell you something first.
If you buy handles, buy them in easy dimensions. 5″ 6″ 7″ 8″ not 6 3/8″ crap like they sell. It will be a headache to replace one day.
I found new brass ones from Signature Hardware I’ll show you when I reshoot the kitchen.

A quick snapshot of our master bedroom which I’ve wanted to wallpaper for years but you know, other things.
We have a blue Thibaut grasscloth wallpaper that arrived in time thank goodness and it’s going up this weekend after the garden party! I hope this takes only 2 days instead of 3 like my office. Benjamin needs to help me.
We also have crown molding going up this week. I’m not sure when as I complicated things when I installed the silver grasscloth in my office already. Oops. That’s just how it goes I had to do it!
Anyway, I better get to thinking about my place card holders now and focus on the party this Friday! Can’t wait to share that with you, be sure to follow on Instagram! xx