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Call me the Easter Queen
One of my favorite holidays to celebrate has come and gone and I wanted to share some hostess tips and share our fun party with some of our closest friends.
Earrings: Lisi Lerch / Belt: Vintage (from mom) / Sandals: Tony Bianco / Dress, wearing size small: Keepsake
A few hostess tips –
- Keep note (I do mine in excel) of how many people came and what you ordered and what was not touched or you need to order more next year. My mother-in-law taught me this and it has come in so handy!
- When you plate everything, keep some in the fridge. For two reasons – to save some for yourself after the party, or to put more out if it runs out. Sometimes when food sits out for 4 hours (like ours) it is not smart to eat it and it goes to waste. And hosts rarely get to enjoy the food during the party so this ensures you can have a taste after, as long as your guests are all fed.
- After a big party, block off the next day to veg.
I am going to drop down a lot of photos because I also like to reference back to what it looked like so I can mix it up the next year and well, a blog is a web log after all! :)

Is there a better occasion than Easter to bring out the cabbage serve ware? I sometimes wonder if I want to collect pink or white but I think I will stick to green because, well, space.
Here are some photos we took with our friends, the day goes by so quick for us. We start at 1 pm and usually guests depart around 4 pm. We clean up and are done by 6 pm ready for a shower and to relax from a fun filled day. Our hearts are full and we hope our friends and their kids always remember Easter at our home. It is an honor to be auntie and uncle to these precious kids, I love them so much because I love their parents so much and they are such well behaved grateful children that we enjoy being around.
I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend whether you were relaxing or spending it with friends. There is hope in Jesus!
The after the egg hunt photo with us –

The girl gang :) I can’t believe it’s been 17 years together what a blessing to have friends this long and a circle like this to celebrate holidays together.
Look at this huge group! Close friends, parents and siblings of friends who are like family who we also spend holidays with – God is so good with providing these relationships.

Our backyard has transformed over the years and our first Easter didn’t look like this – it was a casual BBQ with the kids just around Easter time and the following year we decided to invite friends if they wanted to come since my in-laws were also in town then we decided to continue hosting because everyone showed up and it has turned into a tradition. We are proud to be included in our friends traditions and it’s just a reminder that even if you don’t have family in town or children of your own, you can create really deep friendships with an inner circle – or also with friends who don’t have a place to go, and they will come.
Two highlights from the day I want to blog so I remember – Olivia coming over to ask me if she can open her prize in front of me and then showed me and hugged me and thanked me. And Zach coming over with a picture he drew for us thanking us for inviting him to Easter. He has called our house the “Easter house” to his mom and we love that so much.
He is Risen!
Diana Elizabeth has three full tubs for Easter decor. It’s filled. She also needs to find some flatware that is dishwasher safe because the gold ones are more hand wash type (will leave rust) so once she gets that she will be set because everything can go in the dishwasher and be done!