how to fix insoles of shoes that are loose vintage Ferragamos

How to repair a loose shoe insole

I found these vintage Ferragamos at a flea market for $20! And they fit perfectly! There was a worn insole that I needed to fix, and here’s how I did it.

I love a bargain and I wasn’t expecting to find a pair of vintage Ferragamos in such excellent condition in my size! No way! And yes, they are authentic! I paid $20 for them and actually had Benjamin drive over with cash for me to purchase and I wore them a few times and realized the inside insole was slipping. Not to fear, it’s an easy repair and will save money if you do it yourself – because I did have to drop the shoes off to a shoe repair and it cost me $60 for new bottoms and heels since they were a bit worn and made of plastic. But hey, you can’t buy new Ferragamos for that price!

how to fix insoles of shoes that are loose vintage Ferragamos 

What you need (on AMazon):

Just paint it on, place everything back and you’re done! Saves you time and hopefully a bit of money. Enjoy those shoes that no longer slip and slide!

how to fix insoles of shoes that are loose vintage Ferragamos
how to fix insoles of shoes that are loose vintage Ferragamos
how to fix insoles of shoes that are loose vintage Ferragamos


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Diana Elizabeth is an author, photographer, and obsessive thrift shopper. You can typically find her in the garden wrist deep in dirt, at a local estate sale or planning her next creative themed party. She continues to blog weekly.


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