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How to repair a loose shoe insole
I found these vintage Ferragamos at a flea market for $20! And they fit perfectly! There was a worn insole that I needed to fix, and here’s how I did it.
I love a bargain and I wasn’t expecting to find a pair of vintage Ferragamos in such excellent condition in my size! No way! And yes, they are authentic! I paid $20 for them and actually had Benjamin drive over with cash for me to purchase and I wore them a few times and realized the inside insole was slipping. Not to fear, it’s an easy repair and will save money if you do it yourself – because I did have to drop the shoes off to a shoe repair and it cost me $60 for new bottoms and heels since they were a bit worn and made of plastic. But hey, you can’t buy new Ferragamos for that price!
What you need (on AMazon):
- Any small sponge brush (under $3) or a small varnish brush (will get further into toe box)
- Leather and Suede glue – which is flexible when it dries
Just paint it on, place everything back and you’re done! Saves you time and hopefully a bit of money. Enjoy those shoes that no longer slip and slide!