Well hello hello. I feel as though I’ve been away most of October. My parents came in the first week of October and stayed a few days before we hopped on a flight to Maryland to visit my brother’s family. You read that right, my brother and I are now speaking again. For those of you who have been here for a while, like a LONG while, it has been years since we’ve talked. Maybe 7 or so. I won’t get into why, but I just want to be transparent because I don’t care to pretend life is perfect or families are (because they certainly are NOT and anyone who says theirs is, is either very lucky or luckily delusional LOL I don’t mean that with any hate, it’s just observation with age).
Anyway, I just mentioned it to say hey, sometimes it works out and you speak again and sometimes a child can change a situation! My parents are pleased, so it makes me happy they are too. And I have the CUTEST niece ever, truly she is so darling but I cannot share her because it’s been at the request that I do not so you’ll have to just take my word for it!
Anyway, it was a long 12 days and I mean that’s a long time to be away from home. I’m not even in Europe that long. I did break up my trip by visiting one of my best friends Michelle in Virginia during the week. I spent two weekends with my brother and family.
Annapolis, Maryland
For half a day we went to Annapolis, my first time there! It was so lovely and I started to take photos of the homes I want to share with you! I noticed everything was decorated so cutely with natural items, pumpkins and hay. No lights no plastic skeletons. It looked elegant!
My sister in law said it was probably an HOA since they are a historic residential area. Good point.
Then I came home and saw my orange lights and I’m rethinking it HAHA, but I’m leaving them up!
I got to see these special kiddos (one is missing since he’s in private school and not home schooled any longer). It was a fun surprise to them that I was here because Michelle told them they were picking up an exercise machine and then I opened the door!
I found out District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia stands for DMV when an online friend said she lived in the DMV area and I rushed to Google to find out what that meant!
I liked Annapolis, Maryland and got to visit Mount Vernon again with my family. I want to share some photos because we love home decor here and I think it’d be ideal for me to give you some show and tell.
George Washington’s Mount Vernon, VA
The last time I came here was when I was a teen and now I have much more appreciation for it! My dad recalled how things have changed, and we walked the entire property together. It was such a lovely day. I LOVE walking around and exploring while on vacation. I took so many photos for ideas!
We also went to Georgetown for the day and I took a lot of photos too! We ate at an Austrian restaurant for brunch.
Then we got back, had a few days and went to a charity benefit that I was a table hostess! I will blog about that next!Â
Phew! My mom says when we are back in Phoenix we are always busy busy busy. I mean I guess so? I don’t like staying in the house too long. I mean I could because I love my home, but I’m always pitter pattering donating things, purging, etc.
I hope you are having a great fall so far! I think this is our last few days of 100 and we will be in the 80s next week! YAY!!
Diana Elizabeth is an author, photographer, and obsessive thrift shopper. You can typically find her in the garden wrist deep in dirt, at a local estate sale or planning her next creative themed party. She continues to blog weekly.