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Little projects around here

Dress: c/o Calypso St. Barth, Ivy Dress (wearing size XS) / Earrings: India Hicks
Since I got back from Disneyland with my family (no you didn’t miss any posts, I just didn’t post anything because Disney is not my thing since I was 12, not throwing any shade, just not a Disney adult), we have been thrown into work right away. I am excited though, I have a wonderful collaboration with Pottery Barn again for Easter! Let’s talk about this dress and other home projects around here.
Calypso St. Barth is back! I own several dresses from the brand and was even there when they closed down and bought what was left of inventory as I sulked as they closed their doors. Thankfully years later they are back and I am thrilled, they reached out via Instagram and DMed me and I was like wait, what?! And they sent over this lovely dress called the Ivy Dress. I’m in a size XS which is my consistent size in Calypso. I’ve had this dress for a bit but needed some time to actually take a pic and share it with you — and for the sun to come out.
I have bee purging a little, still finding it hard to let things go until they break I am relieved and can throw it in the trash! What’s wrong with me?
Anyway I’m turning the photo studio into my very own Pottery Barn/Williams-Sonoma store! Well, a store for me for all my entertaining.
^^ Old photo after we did this!
Well it’s been a while since it looked THIS empty! I am now even more thoroughly embarrassed at all the stuff I’ve accumulated that is now here. Buuuuut I am in this place now where I entertain and I need the space so there’s that.
I ordered two more shelves from IKEA. Unfortunately the drawers are not available anymore but it should be able to store more of my things. That’s what I’m going to allow myself to have and that’s it!
I’m excited to share some Easter content with you soon. Thanks for being here and reading. I deleted my old blog posts past 5 years because it was a bit mortifying to go back that far and see my poor choices of decor and fashion but also hosting space needed to free up.
The irony is that the posts are sitting in the trash bin on my WordPress but I have yet to permanently delete them. Again, why is finally letting go of things so hard? Gah! I’ll get better soon I promise.
I hope you have a wonderful start to your week! I am hoping my bare root roses from David Austin are shipping soon because it’s definitely late, we’re already around 80 degrees!