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Mornings in the Garden Room
Another room I wanted to share again because I changed something, haha! But for real, I never showed the backed up room view of the garden room with my Facebook Marketplace ottoman. I shared when I redid the ottoman’s trim but never showed you the entire look because well, it was Christmas time.
So the side tables weren’t comfortable as they had sat in the middle of the seating. I figured that out real quick when we had company over and we sat there stiff and formal staring at one another.

But now we put our feet up here and it’s so nice! The side table moved and replaced another FBMP side table I had for $40.
I still love everything in this room.
We are hoping to add floor to ceiling drapes to separate this room from the kitchen/dining room area when necessary. It’s just very, very, costly.

I had a longtime friend tell me she enjoyed summer in Phoenix because the traffic was slower, restaurants are less busy, and social obligations are gone since everyone is away. She also goes to Hawaii and other states for very long periods of time but she shared the positive side of the hot summers with me and it really got me thinking.
It’s true, I get to go on a few really amazing trips this summer and also hunker down and do the things I need to do inside. I won’t be as social in the summer since everyone has plans or their kids to take care of, and that’s OK! I will consider summer an off season from heavy socializing. As an ambivert, I will think of this positively and also welcome fall when I’ll be super busy once again!

I have realized I need to stop buying random things or just let go of a few things and call it a loss. Donate it to the hospice thrift store (White Dove Thrift Shoppe is my favorite) or gift to a friend.
Like clothes, just keep what you truly love and are proud of, or it makes you feel amazing. We don’t need more of things but just enough of what we really love. Items deserve a second or third life and let someone else enjoy it.
The house really does feel done for the most part. Well, I practically refreshed everything in the last three years, our home insides are unrecognizable now. We’re fixing up a few things like eventually getting the room divider curtains, a new brick path entrance to the garden (we dislike the pavers), and well…I kinda want to repaint some of the house – just the black anyway. Benjamin isn’t fond of the idea and right now I just need to really think hard about it…we’re always changing something.