It’s personal

These posts are never good for SEO, in fact personal posts are pretty pointless. And even though I am aware blogging readership has been on the decline for years, I just keep posting even once a week! It’s like the job I can’t quit but it’s no longer my job.

But here I am, still showing up, and here you are still reading and thank you! So I just post because I suppose it’s my therapy, along with gardening. I don’t have to do anything but yet I do because I like it :)

So how about some personal updates!

Cala BD celebration

Jennifer (the one in the red) celebrated a birthday and if I told you how old she turned you wouldn’t even believe me. I would win a million bucks if we bet on it! 

We had a nice brunch and it was hilarious because the waitress asked if we wanted shots for the table or dessert to share. LOL! We are so in a different age group now. After we headed upstairs for our daybed I reserved with ResportPass and hung out at the Senna Hotel (Cala is inside Senna Hotel). Cala is such a scene of beautiful people by the way!

Phoenix blogger Diana Elizabeth with friends at Cala in scottsdale

PR box

I received this PR gift from Pixi Beauty. What I loved the most was the personalization. I LOVE when brands do this, it makes it so special to receive and requires little effort. OK, maybe it’s more effort but I appreciate it more than a generic box of things. I feel seen.

Love this eye mask that says “Diana is getting ready to glow.”

Thanks Pixi! 

Club MED over Labor Day

Longtime friends of mine hung out over Labor Day weekend in Phoenix, I think we’ve known each other for about 20 years, known as Club MED for those of you who have been around here for a while :) So many memories and trips and I’m so thankful for friends who get on a plane to spend time with you! Treasure them, it is time, money and intention!

We had a spa day, caught up on careers, life and it’s always a fun fulfilling time with old friends. Friendships are a gift from God.

Ant attack

Are you itching looking at my legs? It is pretty awful, I got attacked by ants while pruning the roses in the front and my other leg looks dirty from the ladder and also started showing bruises because that’s apparently what happens when you get older. You bruise non stop!! Thank goodness for arnica gel which helps a little.

I woke up in the middle of the night itching and then my skin hurt from the swelling and can I just say bugs are evil. They just want to bite and see if they can eat you! Then I laid in bed thinking about the old days and death by fire ants and how miserable that had to be.

I posted a video on YouTube 

The days are feeling short, probably because they are. The sun is setting sooner, the days are getting cooler in Phoenix and there just seems to be so much to do outside to prep for all the fun! We’ve been waiting to get to all of this outdoor stuff. Also, I decided to post a video on YouTube. I’m giving it a shot and also not sure why. I think I’m curious to see if I can have some fun with it and I just need another creative outlet.

Truthfully it’s hard to manage IG, FB, a blog, and then YouTube but I am shocked at how much time has gone by and home projects and renovations that I could have turned into long form content. But guess what, I had other things to do and if you’re not ready for it, you’re not ready! 

I figure since I’m gardening all the time right now let’s have some fun and just SEE what happens but if I’m over it one day ok no big deal, no pressure! So or now I’m focusing a lot on gardening on the channel because I can be all over the place with everything else and I’d rather focus on one thing firsts before I go into home decor, etc. So, I have not announced this to anyone and not even friends know about this, maybe a few. I figure if you are reading this you are supportive of what I do, so I’d love it if you’d check out my first video, my channel and give me some feedback on what you’d like to see more of. I’m not sure how I want to format any of this but I also think I should do what I want to do and the right viewers will stick around maybe? Click here to be taken to my channel.




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Diana Elizabeth Steffen setting the table for her annual garden party


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Diana Elizabeth is an author, photographer, and obsessive thrift shopper. You can typically find her in the garden wrist deep in dirt, at a local estate sale or planning her next creative themed party. She continues to blog weekly.



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