tape two rugs together to make larger rug

Combining Two Rugs to Make One Larger Custom Rug

Tired of seeing expensive custom sized rugs, I decided to tape two rugs together to make the size I needed!

ustom rugs are so pricey, trust me I know because I was on the search for about 4 months and had about 50+ swatches saved in a bag and those were just the contenders!! I needed a 13×14 rug ideally, and the costs were $2000 for basic sisal up to $5000! The price is the price but what was very difficult was that none really stood out or made my heart soar. And I certainly didn’t want to spend $3500 on a basic rug, I think it should be cheaper, don’t you?

pile of rug samples - Diana Elizabeth blog

All the rug samples I collected and paid for over 4 months

And you know me, I need to squeal in excitement over everything I bring into the house.

So then I found this blue and cream Chinese handmade needlepoint 1980s vintage rug online. Be still my heart. It’s like wallpaper on the floor! Benjamin liked it too but as we went to measure he shrugged and said, “Sorry honey it’s too skinny.” But I couldn’t stop thinking about it and I couldn’t let it go!!

But even though it was the wrong size at 9×12, I figured layering it over a larger rug would be best so I could get all my furniture on the rug and do it correctly – after all that’s exactly why I was looking for a new rug.

So after looking for a larger sisal or jute rug, I gave up on finding anything the right dimensions and I almost gave up.

Then I stumbled upon a 11×11 square jute and sisal rug, the largest in the size of this rug. There are over 25 rug sizes in different jute and sisal rugs so you may find one that fits your size.

how to make a custom rug with smaller rugs

I can do 11 in a certain width by not going under the console table behind the couch which is probably more ideal. Just when I was about to give up, low and behold as I saw the other jute and sisal rug sizes, I spotted a 2’3″x11′ runner! With the weave I think I could somehow make it work – but also duct tape this part which will be under the couch so no one will even see it!

All this, a large square rug, a runner the same length, and the 1/4″ rug pad for $800! You need a rugged because it will be messy under a sisal jute rug all the dust and fibers.

how to make a rug bigger

So here’s how to make a rug bigger – find the biggest size you can and find a smaller one like a runner or put two together!

Two rugs together with duct tape to make bigger rug.

See the duct tape under? I also used shorter duct tape pieces and went across it because it was under the couch anyway and no one would see.

how to take two rugs together to make a bigger rug

Sorry quick iPhone pic to show my friends so not exactly staged and I want to share this post now. See the blue tape runner because we still have people going in and out of the house for the master closet expansion. We will be done with the shell of it in a month and then we wait for the modular closet in Dec/Jan.

I hope you can use this tip because if you are going to layer anyway or put a large piece of furniture over it then why not try it? I’ve seen lots of other rugs on the internet taped together and they look OK, but I think it might be better if you can find one like this jute and sisal rug. I hope this tip saves you money!

Diana Elizabeth finally feels like the room, the front room which they call the living room (which might in fact really be a family room) is a room she can be proud of. It is done!! 


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Diana Elizabeth Steffen setting the table for her annual garden party


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Diana Elizabeth is an author, photographer, and obsessive thrift shopper. You can typically find her in the garden wrist deep in dirt, at a local estate sale or planning her next creative themed party. She continues to blog weekly.


  • deborah watson

    So glad for you and your husband that you kept the rug because I agree it looks like artwork. Thanks for showing how you made it work; neatly clever!

    • Diana Elizabeth

      Thank you! I really love seeing it and I guess it really shows when I want something I will find a way to make it work haha!!


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