Earlier this month I hosted my ornament party which years ago was with a smaller group, mainly my small group from church community. It was ideal because of the way I had planned it being 6 girls at the table, dinner in Christmas cozies and an exchange.
Last year I decided to make it bigger because I was getting tired of having so many parties but truthfully I will always have a lot haha! But I have really enjoyed having all my friends together!
Last year was desserts and drinks. This year, it was heavy appetizers and drinks (and light desserts). Thanks to my friend Erika who owns the Chick-fil-A downtown Phoenix with her husband. It was SO helpful having her bring the food and some friends arrived early to help set up and I was SO grateful for that help and the extra time spent with them! Here’s me and Erika before everyone arrived learning new iPhone tricks!
I’m just going to share a bunch of photos. I had 13 friends total including myself and it was supposed to be 15 but things happen! It was a wonderful number. I prefer parties between 8-15 for good quality time with each guest.
Usually I have room to invite acquaintances I want to get to know better but this year I went in a different direction to change the vibe to friends I do life with.
I sorted ornaments by color again, let ornaments be stolen twice, and instead of drawing names we did a fun fact again. It was HILARIOUS and Benjamin said he could hear us laughing so loud from the other end of the house. That’s probably the best part!! We share some super random shocking fact or silly thing and we just laugh and laugh.
13 guests
Heavy appetizers: Chick-fil-A chicken nuggets, brownies, cookies
Champagne, rose, Chick-fil-A sweet tea and lemonade
Diana Elizabeth is an author, photographer, and obsessive thrift shopper. You can typically find her in the garden wrist deep in dirt, at a local estate sale or planning her next creative themed party. She continues to blog weekly.