coastal grandmother party theme tea party baby shower

Coastal Grandmother Themed Baby Shower

One of my deare friends Lauren, is expecting baby #2, and she wanted a coastal grandmother themed baby shower. I am excited to share this with you because it was lovely and it was a mixture of Lauren’s vision and lots of collected blue and white dishes, flatware, and set up and food by The Tea and Company. Amy and her mom Randee run this new Phoenix-based tea party business and are the sweetest! The food was delicious, and the details were incredible.

I took these photos and Lauren edited them. With so many of our friends being photographers it’s a pretty nice talent to have now that we’ve moved onto parties!

coastal grandmother party theme tea party baby shower
Brandy, Lauren, Me, and Laura

Because I know I’ll be asked (my dress is Tuckernuck old): Lauren’s dressLaura’s dress

Every detail was thought out by Lauren who had a vision! The blue floral cotton tablecloth (available on Amazon!), silverware she’s collected, and blue and white plates. I love that Lauren had a lot of help with her shower set up by friends and family. 

Friends came over to help with florals, kept busy in the kitchen prepping the delicious salads, it was constant prep work and staging. What a great group of friends, but Lauren is a great friend so it’s no surprise she has found good friends who do the same as she does for everyone else.

coastal grandmother party tea party baby shower afternoon tea blue and white
coastal grandmother party tea party baby shower afternoon tea blue and white
coastal grandmother party tea party baby shower afternoon tea blue and white
so many friends in the kitchen helping prepare coastal grandmother party tea party baby shower afternoon tea blue and white
coastal grandmother party tea party baby shower afternoon tea blue and white
coastal grandmother party tea party baby shower afternoon tea blue and white
coastal grandmother party tea party baby shower afternoon tea blue and white
coastal grandmother party tea party baby shower afternoon tea blue and white
coastal grandmother party tea party baby shower afternoon tea blue and white
coastal grandmother party tea party baby shower afternoon tea blue and white
coastal grandmother party tea party baby shower afternoon tea blue and white
coastal grandmother party tea party baby shower afternoon tea blue and white

Idea – when a party goes into the evening have some lighting, like indoor lamps, but bring them outdoors (I now need more lamps haha!) At night the ambiance is just LOVELY!

The gingham tablecloth comes in various colors and has the cutest lace detail on the bottom, check it out here from Target

peach salad coastal grandmother party tea party baby shower afternoon tea blue and white
coastal grandmother party tea party baby shower afternoon tea blue and white
coastal grandmother party tea party baby shower afternoon tea blue and white
coastal grandmother party tea party baby shower afternoon tea blue and white
coastal grandmother party tea party baby shower afternoon tea blue and white
coastal grandmother party tea party baby shower afternoon tea blue and white
coastal grandmother party tea party baby shower afternoon tea blue and white
coastal grandmother party tea party baby shower afternoon tea blue and white
coastal grandmother party tea party baby shower afternoon tea blue and white
coastal grandmother party tea party baby shower afternoon tea blue and white

It was the loveliest evening and such great weather in Phoenix right now. I always enjoy Lauren’s parties meeting her ever expanding group of friends. What a magical time of celebrating life! 

Backdrop, tea and food provided by: The Tea and Company.

Games, florals and additional food prepared with love by friends and family.

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Diana Elizabeth Steffen setting the table for her annual garden party


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Diana Elizabeth is an author, photographer, and obsessive thrift shopper. You can typically find her in the garden wrist deep in dirt, at a local estate sale or planning her next creative themed party. She continues to blog weekly.


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