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Things I bought recently
I’ve been upgrading some things around here, it’s a process of purging, then buying things to replace, and well this is life, the cycle! So as I shop and use my own affiliate links to get some tiny discount on my purchases I was looking and I thought well maybe I should just share with my friends what I’ve purchased these last few weeks.
Maybe I’ll do this every so often just because maybe you’re looking for some of these things. Or, just curious what’s been showing up on my doorstep :)
Splendid is having a great sample sale and I bought a set of cozies because I needed to add another one to my 20 sets I already own…
I really want to finish my Christmas shopping now but I also don’t want to store :)
Diana Elizabeth is dying to garden again so she does it at night. She gets bit up by mosquitoes but it gets the work done. She also crazy purged the photo studio which felt great!