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How the closet expansion is going
We started on the master closet expansion despite some concerning delays but we are back on track thankfully!
After a scare of a possible 9 month siding wait, my dad proposed using a temporary siding just to pass code and replace it with the James Hardie siding when it comes in. Somehow our contractor tracked down the siding and it is on the way! Phew!
So onward we have gone, and the first wall of the closet is up – it is about 8 inches set in, for looks, roofing and I preferred it set in rather than popped out though I was sad about losing some closet space.
The window will move forward – the same size, newer window. I am excited that the view will be the orchard. And after the crazy tinting fiasco with a window tinter I was not a fan of with his poor customer service, Benjamin wants more tinting so I will call the installer instead to get it put in for the closet.
Right now I’m juggling another project to come, another closet – more on that soon, so the house feels messy and though things are shoved back in their respective places, I know it’s messy and unorganized which is making me a bit crazy. I just have to let it go for the next few months.
A snag did happen with our water pipe and electricity which wasn’t really anyone’s fault, other than I wish it could’ve been fixed right away, but whatever! A few roses in the front have died that were already struggling and they decided they couldn’t handle it and I don’t blame them. We tried to water them but they might be gone. Wah.
And we will finish framing and the trusses this week. The siding will have arrived by the time you read this blog post and I hope roofing is next! Soon they will knock down the wall and build the doorway and start working from the inside so we will move our master bedroom to the garden room.
I wish the closet modular system could arrive soon but it is what it is, we need walls up before it can be ordered. It will probably take three days to get installed once the parts arrive.
Diana Elizabeth would like to get back into estate sales again but felt tired but also saw so much stuff around the house out of place it prevented her from going out to look.