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Going to reupholster some things!
Another trip to an estate sale resulted in the purchase of a pair of Hickory Chair Beaufort cane back chairs! But then I realized I had to reupholster them!
The Beaufort Chair takes its form from the English and embellishes it by adding the cooling comfort of double-caned arm side pieces and back perfect for circulating island breezes. Aged Black is the standard finish as shown.
English form. Right on!
Anyway, the color however doesn’t go with the rest of my house. I had waited in line for the sale to open and I saw the chairs, debated at the $795 price tag for the pair and kind of panicked as everyone was running around tagging sold items and grabbing whatever they could (it’s insane I tell you!). I had told Benjamin I would replace the other chairs eventually if I found new ones, and when I saw these, that was it. And then I thought, well, I could just put a sold tag on it and change my mind (don’t tell anyone I made that up) but I was pretty certain I’d be so heartbroken if I didn’t get these chairs. So sold they were.

From the back they look so lovely right? iPhone photos since I don’t need to take professional photos yet, but the scale looks great, and I can’t wait for the new covers. So, $75 in delivery fee, and taxes and credit card payment fee, here they sat in our garden room.
Here’s the before photo of the other chairs I got from Overstock. I know they were pretty and they were comfortable so it was a hard decision but if I were to buy chairs again today I probably wouldn’t have gone so mid century boho. But if you like them here’s the link. And if you prefer not textured seats, here’s the same version but that texture will hide any accidents or oops.
But this will look better I promise.
The fabric I chose
I went for a thick texture and I wanted more color. I had picked some basic blue and white stripes. I started with this. Until I realized, I needed the background to be darker or have more blue. And I am not basic. I will not pick some boring safe fabric. Linen stretches not what I want right now, and so I returned all the swatches.
Then I was left with these two –

^^ There’s the view of the back of the pattern so you can see it. Also what the fabric is.
I was so close to going with the blue leopard print. So close.
But then I realized I think the lighter with the warmer colors of a gold, blue and cream would be best. Honestly it looks like my rug below. But I couldn’t give up my leopard. Then I remembered I wanted to sell this old ottoman I’ve disliked for a very long time and owned for almost 10 years.
I was going to sell it for like $100. I probably paid $400-$500 for it long ago. You know how much ottomans go for now? I showed it to Giovanni Jr. who helped me with my fabric selections (so patient!) and his dad said he had never seen an ottoman like that, very uncommon and he liked it. So I said, Let’s upholster that with the leopard! Also the fabric I chose was $80 a yard. Woooo. Why do I pick the expensive fabric? It’s the way I am.
So, $500 to reupholster the ottoman, fabric and labor. I can invest $500 into that, I can’t buy an ottoman for that. I can put this in our living room which is all blue or move it to my new closet once it’s built. It’s a color and print I can use anywhere in my home! Maybe not my office since there’s already leopard print carpet :)
The cost
Then about $325 for labor for the reupholstery of the chairs plus the 5 yards of $80 fabric ($400 for fabric!) equals $725 for the reupholstery of the new (to me) Hickory Chair Beaufort. Also, I sold the pair of Overstock chairs to a friend, $550 for a pair. So, I say the upgrade is worth it. Now I need to sell if I can, the red and gold covers, if anyone is looking for them. I know I was googling to see if any were for sale, so maybe I can get lucky and post this on Poshmark or something to sell to someone who would want them, because it would be such a waste to not!
Now, if you don’t mind I will be staying inside for a while to avoid spending more money. I will also try to avoid shopping online sheesh!
They will pick up in mid-June and it will take them about 2 weeks after pick up to get it back to me. I can wait because after Easter we’re pretty much in the clear with entertaining anyway and I can live with the current fabric now anyway.
Look at this photo from a pre-Easter dinner I hosted. Just the back of those chairs give me all the fuzzy happy feelings. Seeing pretty things daily make my heart sing!
And that’s my latest home project! Actually we are working on the butler’s pantry design now and I can’t wait to share that soon!
Diana Elizabeth is ready for Easter, she thinks. She might need to get a few more things like flowers and ice and fruits and veggies. But most of the prep work is done! Remember to use her hostess checklist here if you are going to be hostess!