Did you pretend you had a twin growing up? Or was that just me?
I had a wall to wall mirror closet door growing up which made it fun when I would put half my body in my closet and the other half in my room and proceed to make jumping body motions. Oh the entertainment of a 80s/90s child!
I decided to do a little photoshoot with me and my “twin” ;) in France Valentine’s new fall arrivals. This is in our orchard right outside my dressing room. I think you know by now I love a good set! I always run around stores asking if there’s a matching top or bottom and am disappointed when the designer hasn’t thought about that! So I’m glad FV understands us girls who love to coordinate our top and bottoms with the same print!
There are also dresses and skirts in this print. I realize I kinda blend in between my pink lemon tree and the lime tree! This is my garden camouflage! :)
Onto my look #2, just swapping out the top with a shell top and green handbag.
Diana Elizabeth is an author, photographer, and obsessive thrift shopper. You can typically find her in the garden wrist deep in dirt, at a local estate sale or planning her next creative themed party. She continues to blog weekly.