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Knit Sweater sets

Sweater top / Sweater midi-skirt / Booties / Wool Hat / Oversized hoops (similar)
It was a hot day when I needed to shoot this and Benjamin wasn’t home, so hurray for tripods and the garage I upgraded the wood panels so I could shoot against it! If you haven’t seen the open-air garage, see this post.
Less than two months until Christmas! We all know it’s going to be sneaking up on us soon, so I’m going to try to be ready and enjoy it by not over filling my calendar. Easier said than done, but I’m going to try! While work will pile up and I can easily stay busy working, I want to remind myself it’s the small things, or the once in the lifetime events that come up that I need to say yes to. There are some things that you can never repeat or get another chance at – this is what my best friend Meagan has taught me over the years. So those opportunities are worth stopping life for – the other things will have a place and be repeated.
Meanwhile, here are some sweater sets and also sweater skirts in general that might have matching tops.
Diana Elizabeth says always buy the pair if it’s an outfit, just like a pair of lamps! You can always separate them or use them individually.