Healing After a Broken Engagement + Sharing My Viral Story

Healing after a broken engagement
^^ Home with my beloved pup Paris, over Thanksgiving weekend when I was supposed to be on my honeymoon. Feeling like I was living a double life, present in one spot but my mind in another.

I never intended to publicly share my story about my broken engagement, a wedding called off three weeks before the wedding, it was something I wanted to forget about and move on. But what if finally sharing it could heal? That’s all I want. That is the entire point of this post that a has since gone viral since it has been published (and now updated). And with my husband’s blessing and the encouragement of my friends, here we go as I share tips on healing after a broken engagement. 



"In this book, Diana uses her own story of pain to build a bond with her audience concerning a topic that has been minimized and misunderstood by much of the counseling community. I commend her for her transparency and honesty. She steps out of the shadows and extends a hand of friendship to women who will find someone who truly understands their pain. I hope this book will be the beginning of a healing journey from shame and rejection to an awakening of hope and confidence for many women."

My Broken Engagement:

The night he called off the wedding

It was October 30, I remember because the next night was Halloween. He came over and I had just come out of the shower, semi-wet hair, thick glasses on, and ready to finalize wedding plans which was three weeks away.

I walked down the stairs to meet him in the living room, and there he was. Then he said it. He couldn’t do it any longer.

After on and off again for two years and his cries to come begging and saying he was ready to get married. Even while engaged, there were a few moments when he would freakout, and he voiced hesitations without reason. And there we were again in that moment, me and him, him once again leaving me, like clock work, three weeks before the wedding.

Obviously deposits were nonrefundable. Time and emotions were nonrefundable – nothing was refundable at this point. After questioning why he came back at all claiming it was God who told him to marry me, he coldly stated he changed his mind and he believed marriage was a choice and responded with, “I unchoose you.”

At that very moment, I felt like my entire being died – if hearts could shatter into a million pieces, mine certainly did just that. I may have begged him to stay, to change his mind, I know I wanted to, but I don’t know if I actually did because I felt like it was a blur, like I almost blacked out. Those hurtful words were my reality as it set in and those words cut my heart into pieces.  I knew what he said was permanent, and unchangeable, and I could and would never shake them from my mind. I wish I never heard it but at the same time, it was what I needed to hear to realize I had no choice in this decision and I had to move on.

“Unchoosing” me would haunt me for the rest of my life even if we did work out – so it was done.

That night, it was so fuzzy. I was trying to navigate my feelings of panic, anger, pain, yet trying to be coherent realizing these very last moments would be the last I’d ever spend with him. It was bittersweet, I wanted to savor it but I had such a broken heart and I also wanted to be strong and not be dramatic knowing that this is how he would remember these last moments with me.

Very few words were exchanged from how he’d probably regret his decision for the rest of his life, to me asking him, why, to eventually him telling me, “I love you” as he walked out the door out of my life. I uttered, “I love you too,” and so very badly wish I hadn’t.  I wish I said, “No, you don’t, this isn’t love,” but I didn’t, because I did love him and in those fleeting moments, sometimes you can’t help but speak your truth. Broken as I was, I hated him and loved him at the same time.

I fell into my best friend’s arms sobbing that night. She had come through the door at the tail end. I don’t know how I slept that night, but I did. Then another best friend came as I was passed along to the next to make sure I wasn’t alone. I couldn’t be alone.

I was lifeless for months after. A complete zombie trying to survive. I felt numb. I never wanted to be with anyone more in my entire life than him – for so many years, through all the on and off again drama. I cried so hard one night I gave myself a bloody nose. I screamed out loud from the pain in my heart that I was afraid my neighbors would call the cops thinking I was getting murdered. I dropped to almost 100 lbs. I’m 5’8″.

Every day felt like I was living a double life. Though I was physically at work when I should have been in Palm Springs for the wedding. I was at my friend’s apartment when I should have been walking down the aisle. It was hard going home for Thanksgiving when I planned to be in Fiji and so on – but once the calendar passed the planned days together – the day we’d return from the planned honeymoon (which he never booked), my life felt like it was mine again. But it took a village to get me there, to help me heal and forgive.

Need a support group?

Find the private link in the back of the book. 400+ members sharing stories and offering support.

In Repair: A Guide to Healing from a Broken Engagement 

Available on Amazon.com 

Listen on audible, download on Kindle, or order or a paperback copy now.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5-stars on Amazon

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #1 book for helping with broken engagements! Buying this book is a MUST!!! Within days of a broken engagement, I desperately searched for something to help me get through this excruciating heartbreak. This book was my salvation! Diana Elizabeth had virtually the same experience that I am going through now. I immediately read the entire book and while I am still in the healing process, I often find myself going back to the book (especially the emergency chapters) when I feel my emotions getting the best of me. Diana Elizabeth and her book is that friend who you can turn to because she has been exactly where you are. She is the encouragement that your spirit needs to keep your head up high. Her insertion of scripture and prayer in each chapter reminds me that HE is here and I am not alone.


A broken engagement is unlike any other breakup on any level – you really did love that person, you said yes you would marry them. You had dreams and had visions that lasted to the end of your days – there was a promise made they would be secure, a wedding was scheduled. There was a dress (or suit) to wear, songs to be played and a honeymoon to discover.  An engagement to you meant a commitment to marry, you already felt like you were married and just waiting for the official day. You put your mind and your heart in that space, you were there, it was done. But suddenly, you find that dream disappeared, that person is now a stranger.

I never saw the Sex and the City movie, friends referred to it when I went though the dark time and when I did watch the movie later, I cried. When there is a scene of abandonment, it will make my eyes swell – because I know that feeling, so know that I know how you feel at this very moment.

Although I have fully moved on from the heartache, I still remembered it. To this day, I still can, but not to the same powerful extent as that actual moment, so I hope you find peace knowing that. Feeling it doesn’t mean I still care about it, but it’s trauma and trauma is a big deal. What I can tell you is, you will not continue to hurt like you do this very moment forever, I promise. You will be able to feel empathy for those going through it as I do and you are the reason I share my story in hopes to tell you as a friend, you will be OK. Your heart will heal, and you will move forward and you will absolutely, positively be happy again. Let me help you process these feelings and remind you there is hope.

When your wedding is called off, every day leading to those important days are confusing. You feel like you’re in a daze, denial. It doesn’t seem real, it’s humiliating, you feel abandoned. 

You might be experiencing the following thoughts or feelings and I want to give a little encouragement about them.

  • You feel disappointed in yourself

    as if you made the wrong decision, and you should have seen it coming but you didn’t. The pain will literally bring you down to your knees. But you didn’t know a broken engagement was coming or else you would have never said yes. Don’t blame yourself or be embarrassed. This has nothing to do with you.

  • You feel like you are living a double life,

    the wrong life. You would be or should be doing ____ but you’re not, you’re doing something you shouldn’t be doing solo. But life goes on, and the path you are going down will be beautiful you can’t even imagine but have faith. If I survived and found my happy ending, you will too.

  • I had to get real.

    The burning words, “I unchoose you,” meant he had time to decide and move on sooner than I did. When I heard those words I thought, well then, I unchoose you back. And I had to teach my heart that love is a choice and that I had to detach my heart from that person. If someone has walked away from you then s/he has already moved on, and that is the reality to know that deposits, money, they would sacrifice all of that to not be with you – harsh. Fine, then if it’s time for you to be strong and move forward without them.

  • The mornings were the worst.

    As John Mayer sings in Dreaming with a Broken Heart, “When you’re dreaming with a broken heart / The waking up is the hardest part / You roll outta bed and down on your knees / And for the moment you can hardly breathe…” I truly felt like I dreamt with a broken heart, I had changed my social media status to that exact line. I applauded myself when I got into bed that I had survived another day, and waking up in the morning was discouraging realizing I had to triumph through another full day – until one day, it didn’t feel like survival any longer and with each morning came new curiosities and hope. One day you will wake up excited for the possibilities.

  • The nights were lonesome.

    At night silence sets in and thoughts can wander. However I would be on the phone or be with people until I was tired. Then I would journal. I would pray and I would read God’s word and his promises. And I would also pray for my ex and then give thanks for a day closer to healing. Always close the night with a thankful heart. Your heart may feel broken, but don’t go to bed angry, find your silver lining and say a prayer for yourself to heal. If you feel like you need a friend, I wrote a book that is available on Audible (so it can be as if I’m speaking to you), or download it immediately on Kindle now. Find it here on Amazon. You can leave the book on your nightstand and reach for it when those nights are hard. I’ll meet you in the pages.

  • I chose to be inspired by other married couples. 

    I always noticed when a man had a wedding ring – especially when I’d be sitting on a plane watching people find their seat. It was stem out of curiosity. I would see it and think, He made a commitment, he didn’t chicken out and change his mind. There are men who can commit. He decided he couldn’t live a day without his wife and married her, I want to find a man who will love me like that!  I also became a wedding photographer six months later. I loved weddings and my heart found hope through witnessing couples on their day say forever – it encouraged me that one day, I would find it and my clients helped me heal by sharing their special day and moments with me.

Please remember it is far better that a man knows that he cannot marry you on this side of the wedding than after and he leaves.

While you can rightfully feel angry and sad, there is so much to be thankful for when a man can acknowledge that he cannot on this side of a wedding date, rather than change his mind later. You do not want to drag a man down the aisle. If you can find the silver lining in that, it may help with perspective – in time.

how to heal from a broken engagement called off wedding quote advice book

Also remember people are watching and your story, healing of hope, can bring comfort to others one day. I had four women reach out to me who went through breakups and wanted to know how I got through it. Coffee meetings, phone calls, prayers, it was an honor to share how I healed and how God helped me through it. And here I am today connecting with you in this post hoping that this post can bring you comfort and I am sending you a virtual hug. I hate that you are going through this heartbreak but I promise, you will survive and you will find your happy ending.

If you are struggling on how to answer questions about what happened, here’s a post I wrote about that. You can say as little or as much as you want, we are all different in how we express ourselves and ask for help.

Check this how to heal from a broken engagement book on Amazon, here, and join a Facebook group of over 400 members giving each other advice and strong community for healing (QR link at the end of book).

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ An absolute must for anyone going through a broken engagement. At a time in my life when I felt so alone in my pain, her book could not have come at a better time. As I was reading, I felt I had a best friend who understood me and who knew how to help me with the emotions I was going through. Diana is eloquent and empowering. She writes in a way to where you feel at ease through your struggles. Her story will give you hope through the pain and grief. This is the only book I could find which specifically targeted and understood each of the emotions of grief in a broken engagement and it helps give you the tools to work through each of them. I can say it has helped me heal tremendously and I have!
How to heal from a broken engagement called off wedding book advice break up relationship book // call of engagement broken engagement get back together survive percentage of broken engagements called off

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5-stars on Amazon

HOW TO HEAL after A broken engagement

  1. Book a massage(s).

    Touch is healing. I almost cried when a massage started, my throat had a frog in it and tears nearly filled my eyes. A massage felt like a hug. I just needed to feel embraced, loved and the power of touch is truly healing. Get as many massages as you need.

  2. Have a photoshoot.

    I had booked a makeup artist who was also a talented photographer and since we had the deposit already paid he suggested we finished with a photoshoot instead. He wanted to lift my spirits and it really did. It made me feel beautiful and I had a new Facebook profile photo that made me feel gorgeous. Thank you Michael Franco. (Old photos, tiny brows haha)

  3. Write it out.

    I had a diary that I started to write in again – actually I wrote in it a lot during that relationship (so much drama and pain), and I continued to write, my writing turned from bashing the relationship to praising God and asking him to forgive and heal my heart and free me from the emotions I was feeling.

  4. Seek counseling.

    I wanted to heal the correct way, not the fastest way, so I sought biblical counseling to make sure I forgave correctly. Forgiveness is an ongoing process, but doing so releases so much anger and sadness. Put yourself first and seek counseling so you can be a better person and heal right for your future husband/wife and self. Don’t forget to forgive yourself.

  5. Seek God. 

    Know what you believe in – do you believe God is in control? That He loves you and cares for you? Then trust that he allowed this to happen for a reason you will never know, or perhaps one day know. If you have faith then show the world, show all all of mankind the strength of your faith and get up and worship the Lord. If David can praise God after the death of his baby, you can get up and worship the Lord.

  6. Join a support group. 

    It was hard to find a support group when I went through my broken engagement, or anyone who could relate. You are here and so have tens of thousands over the years – you are NOT alone. Join our private Facebook group (over 400) in it who regularly engage, share trials and their triumphs. The link is in the back of the broken engagement book under “references”

  7. Get up and show up.

    Two days later I had to co-host a baby shower. I did it. I got up and after I cried upon arrival, then I took a shower at my friends place and got dressed and put on a smile and celebrated her. I removed myself and put my situation outside of myself and put my friend first. It won’t take away the sadness but it will take your mind off your problems for a few minutes.

  8. Think with your brain and not your heart.

    Without getting into too many unnecessary personal details, find your strength – especially if legal documents are being mailed, threats are being made that may need to be used in court. Don’t immediately respond – take a day or two. Seek wisdom and counsel, and stand your ground. Be in control, pause before answering if at all, and think wisely with your head and not your emotions. If finances are involved, seek counsel and do not act compulsively.

  9. Be kind to yourself.

    So one person decided he didn’t want to marry you. I know you thought he was our everything, but his actions prove he is not. Let him go. Not all is loss, it’s just one man’s opinion that you aren’t a fit for him. Well if he decided you weren’t a fit for him, then he isn’t a fit for you! You will find there will be more suitors and may you find a man who cannot live a day without you – that’s the man you want to be with. Look at yourself in the mirror and know you are a treasure and have a lot to offer and don’t let any unkind thoughts enter your mind. You are a precious child of God. There is nothing wrong with you. One day you will meet someone who won’t want you to change one bit. (More on this later in the post, I have a very serious talk with you about reassuring you that there is NOTHING wrong with you).

  10. Go shopping.

    Screw saving for that wedding. It’s done. Go shopping and buy the date clothes, the sunglasses, the jewelry – you spend it on yourself and worry about the rest later. Go on the vacation with your friends, you treat yourself! But don’t cut your hair, trust me – if you need change, get hair extensions instead. *wink*

  11. Write a letter to your future husband.

    I wrote a letter to my future husband when I was 21 and waiting to meet him. I almost gave that letter to the wrong person! I thankfully secured it and kept it. But I wrote an updated letter at age 27. If you haven’t written one yet, why not? Tell him how you are feeling and how excited you are to meet him and all the things you know about him. It will give you hope and remind yourself what you are looking for – the right person deserves that letter!

  12. Immerse yourself into a hobby. 

    I turned my hobby of photography into a businesses. I poured my time and passion into this hobby which eventually became my full-time job. I wouldn’t be where I am without the heartbreak.  You can use this energy of pain and put it toward a passion that will heal and inspire you! You can even serve others who are in need, a food bank, shelter, love on others, it will in return heal your heart.

  13. Don’t avoid those “special” places.

    Your table, that restaurant, that concert, those spots with memories – do not avoid them. GO again go back and do so immediately with your friends and make new memories. This way you can quickly move past that painful memory. Order that special appetizer, sing to that artist. Claim those spots as your own and eventually new memories will override the former ones. You will forget that you and so-and-so even had a favorite table or item on the menu.

Remember – The night that he broke up with you was the best night of your future husband’s life.

This blog post may not be enough which is why I have a published book on Amazon with over 44 reviews, and a growing group in Facebook groups offering support and counseling to one another. Buy this book now –  In Repair: A Guide to Healing from a Broken Engagement.

Don’t blame yourself for the broken engagement

I also want to encourage you to always love well. Love fiercely and if you did that, then you have no regret. It is so painful to go through a broken engagement and feel abandoned, and if anything I’m glad that I chose to love fully, unconditionally and I did my part. I didn’t create heartbreak, abandon someone or mislead another person – I stayed truthful, committed and THAT is and will always be my character.

It doesn’t mean enduring abuse or staying with someone who doesn’t love you as you deserve, or who doesn’t respect you – it’s about loving fully, knowing you gave it a go, and then realizing that if you do need to walk away, you can move ahead and learn to love what’s good for you.

And sometimes, when the fog clears we can look back and see that maybe that person, and that relationship wasn’t as perfect. Maybe there were flags, but maybe, someone higher up saw that you deserved better, you deserve to be loved as a child of God and treated better than you were being treated and He intervened.

Maybe, there is someone out there who is a better match. I bet there is.

keep going broken relationship advice quote how to heal

If you are wondering how to answer questions about the breakup, I know the confusion and pain – read this blog post about how I think is best to approach answering these questions or telling your guests.

Don’t try to overthink oR analyze what happened

What I want you to remember as your heart heals – There is nothing is wrong with you and there is nothing you should have changed or something you should not or could have done to avoid this happening.

I had to add this in because I know you are thinking what if you just didn’t fight, or didn’t say that, or only did more of this – maybe this could have all been prevented. I thought the same. I also thought this when I got in a car crash when I was 16, if only I had stopped to tie my shoe that wasn’t untied. Or if I went to the bathroom before I got in the car.

The reality is some things are out of our control. If you had to carefully watch what you said or how you expressed yourself, whether it was good or bad, or disagreed, or anything at all, it wouldn’t have mattered. It still would have been wrong or come to this point either now, or later. Because you see, this had nothing to do with YOU.

You should be free to be you, good bad, ups downs and trials should be worked on together. The thing is, whatever the problem may have been, that person left and that’s not your life partner. That’s not your team player you are looking for – marriage isn’t about perfect days it’s about all of the days, good, bad and living life together one day at a time as YOU are. Don’t hitch your wagon to one with a broken wheel, or doesn’t know where its steering.

healing quote from broken engagement called off wedding quote relationship book in repair trusting God

Dating again after a broken engagement

I didn’t date again for about six months until I was set up. I wouldn’t suggest dating right away. If your heart isn’t healed, it isn’t. What’s the point? You’ll only cause more heartache and you won’t be moving forward. Don’t put a bandaid over it – you need to make sure you heal properly. There is no rush to move on or be in a relationship – life is not a contest.

I once cried after a date that went slightly wrong because I was still heartbroken. I wrote about it in an emergency chapter in my book (available on Amazon) because I’m sure some of you might go through similar feelings after a first date. It took time to not cry after a date because I still desired to be with my ex, it’s always a desire to be in the last relationship you were in because you romanticize it – even if the relationship had its flaws. We often romanticize what it was during the good times, or what we wish it could have been.

My heart wasn’t healed yet, and I was tired so and so many dates just brought me pain. I also cried after a very short-lived relationship only because I was disappointed and didn’t want to date yet again (I never cried over him or missed that guy).

Dating again was difficult in the beginning. When you were so close to getting married, you looked forward to the lifestyle of settling down, and nights on the couch watching movies and making dinner. I get it – now you have to get out there again.

But you MUST get out there again. And remember, dating is fun! It really is, once you find the right person it’ll be so fun.

how soon to date again after broken engagement

I would suggest allowing yourself time to heal, but go on dates. Yes it can be annoying because you want to get to that comfortable settle down level because you were so close, but I promise when it’s the right person, it’s fun, it’s like being with your best friend. You will find someone who will make you laugh and fall in love again. So get out there when you feel ready but give yourself grace if you come back with a broken heart, totally normal. One day, you will come back from a first date and be excited!

When I met my Husband

I am so grateful for what happened. At the time it felt like my world was crashing down but over the months, I healed.  However even today I would never brush off that experience as something that I could easily overcome or like any breakup because it wasn’t. To this very day I would tell you it was traumatic for me, it was raw and real for me – but I am still grateful it happened.

I grew from this experience. I went to biblical counseling — and my counselor blessed me with writing the foreword to my book 10 years later! I had to continually work on moving forward. Forgiveness took time, for things that were done over time and I had to forgive when it wasn’t asked (I never spoke to him again, he never said he was sorry, you can read the entire story in a chapter in my book). That was difficult, you expect kindness or communication when you spend that much time with someone or thought they once loved you – but you don’t always get what you think you deserve.

I wouldn’t be where I am today if it weren’t for that broken engagement, the harsh words of being told you’ve been unchosen, or the drama that continued even after all was said and done. Mourning isn’t something to be embarrassed about.  Through loss and changes is how we change as people and the direction of our lives change, for the better.

Life is perfect, today with my friends and my husband I am the best version of me. I wouldn’t have become a photographer, or a blogger, I would not be living out my passions that have been encouraged by the people surround me, nor have experiences of traveling the world, or being here at this very moment connecting with you over this small sliver in my life that changed the course of my life – to where I am now.

I am so in love with the life I almost didn’t have.

For years I hated the broken engagement was part of my testimony, a permanent part of my written story of my life. I hated that, I really struggled. But my situation brought hope to others over the years and if you get to know me, I believe I exist to encourage and now, I published a book trying to help others navigate through the emotions of a broken engagement that has reached hundreds on Amazon. If you need a friend to walk you through this, I’ll meet you in the pages of my book and hundreds more will meet you in our private Facebook group.

dating again after broken engagement

Finding our happy ending or knowing “why” will take time. I met Mr. Wonderful a year and a half later (and married 6 months after our first date – read how we met here). I remember watching him from the cabin in Sedona as our wedding photographer took his portraits before our first look. That moment will forever be in my mind, my heart burst out of my chest and my eyes filled with tears and I said to myself – This is the man, that’s him! This is who God had for you. This is your husband who can’t live a day without you who has showed up because he wants to be with you forever! God knew this day was coming!  That wedding day was what was waiting for me on the other side of that broken heart.

My businesses took off and I prospered in so many ways with riches in friendship and creativity and freedom! It all worked out in the most perfect way – my husband is truly who I was meant to be with and searching for my entire life. Had I known he was waiting for me, along with this career, these friends, this church, and the life experiences I’ve had, I would hug myself and said there, there, right around the corner a better life and love awaits. Just be patient. And that’s what I’m saying to you – there, there, right around the corner a better life and love awaits. Just be patient. I have also seen many broken hearts “graduate” from our Facebook support group and get married and are now expecting! 

How to heal after a broken engagement or called off wedding / Healing after a broken engagement

Like my friend Kim told me, “That night that he broke up with you, was the best night of your future husband’s life.” Mine too.

And I truly believe that one day, you will believe it was yours too. Keep your head up and one day, write me back and tell me it all worked out like just like I said it would.

Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. – Psalm 126:5

If you have made it this far, I am giving you a huge hug because I know you are searching for more, answers, help, a community. 

Buy this book that is recommended by church counselors about How To Heal from a Broken Engagement on Amazon or listen to the audiobook. If you need more advice and words, this is it.

Begin your healing journey today

A broken engagement is complex. You were at the ultimate high point of love—planning your dream wedding and future—and, suddenly, the dreams disappeared. It is unlike those people who had a marriage dissolve—who wore the dress, said the I do’s, cut the cake and lived a married life for a few years. They got to experience marriage. They got to have the wedding, the first home, the relationship (whether perfect or not), while an engaged person dreamt of it, romanticized it, and set their future on that picture-perfect life. When that expectation of a perfect future suddenly dissolves, picking up the pieces turns into a nightmare.

I understand you. Let’s talk about it, and let’s talk about how you will pick yourself right back up, piece by piece, and push forward, little by little. You will, and I will help you. And so will God, whether you know Him right now, or not.

I’ll meet you in the pages and new friends will meet you in the private support group.

Empowering Broken Heart playlist on Spotify


This post has been updated from its original publish date of March 6, 2018.

Buy the book In Repair: A Guide to Healing from a Broken Engagement on Amazon.


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Diana Elizabeth Steffen setting the table for her annual garden party


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Diana Elizabeth is an author, photographer, and obsessive thrift shopper. You can typically find her in the garden wrist deep in dirt, at a local estate sale or planning her next creative themed party. She continues to blog weekly.


  • Lisa

    I sit here in bed, struggling to muster the energy to face another tiring day of uncertainty and waves of emotions, where every minute feels like an hour. Your post has given me the strength to know that there is light, I have a future and I am not to blame for any of this. Like you said, my mind has a habit of questioning every time I nagged, or was grumpy, or wasn’t the best version of myself. However, I am starting to understand that all of this was out of my hands. That a man incapable of making this commitment to me would not have been able to be my ride or die, to be my rock or the father to my children I hope to have one day.
    I feel this stage of my life is not a journey but it is a fight. A fight between my heart and mind, where I must seek strength in my thoughts. Your post gave me the courage to lean on my friends, family and strangers. I sometimes feel like my trauma and emotions are a burden on others. However, I must allow others to help me, to pick me up and to offer clarity and compassion in a world that to me seems so cruel.
    Although I can begin to understand the past and comprehend the events which have led to this point and this decision, I feel scared for the future. Where I once had a plan, I am left with a void of uncertainty. Your words helped me to begin to see that I do have a future, and it could maybe be the happy ending I deserve, not the mediocre one I was faced with.
    Thank you for sharing your story.

  • Elisabeth aguinaldo

    Sending to you my greetings Ma’am,
    I thank God for your life’s testimonies po. You became the new best version of you.It amazes me how you’ve gone through with that broken engagement you had before with your ex. It breaks my heart too. Listening to your stories relates me so much.
    The pains, anger, disappointments, plans crushes me so much. I never expected this thing to happen to me that either. Its been more than 2months after we broke up. But right now I’m still in the process of healing. And thank God very timely I found this blog. Still its my fervent prayer to God that ONE day Iam totally healed. Waitng for that day excites me so much. I just let God move and trusting His ways how He works into my life right now. Trully only God’s Word can you get the best encouragement of healing and best answer why things happen that way to me. After 1 month of breaking up Iam still hoping that we would able to fix it but nothing had change so I ask God for wisdom and have decided to let him go. Beacuse I can not change his mind for his many reasons not to pursue our wedding. It breaks my heart so much, we both prayed this plan for 1 year and then circumstance came. Why is it easy for him not to pursue the fact that we both agreed this wedding date this coming December last year? Well I cannot control him but one thing I could control my decissions in life that awaits me to a greater expectations from God. And one thing that could change me too to a better version of me.

    LETTING HIM Go is to accept the things it does’nt change anymore.

    Thank you so much Ma’am for this blog you have. It encourages me so much to move on too☺

  • Suzie

    Please send me some words of encouragement, or anything, to help me. I don’t know what to do. He broke off the engagement yesterday, and we were supposed to get married in January 2022. I am so broken. I gave everything up to move in with him and build a life together. I have no possessions or money to my name. But, I am the one at fault too. I didn’t realize until too late that I was too broken myself, to be in a relationship. I would like to share more with you privately, if that is okay.

  • Tim

    It has been a week exactly since my fiancé left. Wedding was planned for 06/26. Struggling to survive and appreciate the post and video. Would you be willing to reach out via email?

  • Just a listeNer

    I just want to say. Thank you thank you for your effort in this blog and all the memories and pain you shared. You are beyond an amazing person. I prayed for you the other day and will as time goes. I feel like you have given me a great amount of hope and showed that love is real but with the right person. You also showed why this is a great thing that happened to me. It’s funny our experience is so similar I felt like you were giving my life story to others. Right now I’m In the healing stage and heading towards the better life I would love to talk to you for some more guidance if possible. Thank you so much once again for this post.

  • Alanna

    Thank you for sharing your story. I was together with my fiancé for almost 12 years, engaged for almost 2. I have grown up with him and always envisioned him to be my forever. Our families have been so supportive- it’s felt like we’ve been married for years. Always having each other to lean on. He has been so supportive and loving toward me for all of these years. He decided a few weeks ago, he was not ready to be married, that he needs to be on his own, and that he doesn’t know how long he would need to be on his own to be ready. My heart is broken into a million pieces. I am constantly torn at how I feel. How could he? It’s me! It’s him! :/ So many emotions. I tell myself to be thankful it happened before the wedding. Everyone says time helps. I just feel like I am a shell, a ghost, empty. Waiting for time to pass. For time to heal. Thank you for sharing your story. It brought me to tears. It gave me a sliver of peace. :/

  • Harriet C

    Hi Diana,
    I am so grateful I have come across your blog as your story gives me hope. My fiance broke off our engagement last week and I am absolutely devastated. We had a big argument as he had broken my trust, and I acted out of anger and reacted in ways I’m not proud of. He mentioned he decided to end the relationship because of my reaction to the argument and because my anxiety has been difficult for him to deal with (I deal with an anxiety disorder). It feels like it was all my fault that the relationship ended and I deserved to be left. I am so heartbroken, as I feel as he had made the decision so quickly to end the engagement which left me questioning how committed he was to me after all. To me, a committed relationship means being able to forgive and forget and being able to work through difficult times with your life partner.Similar to you, I’ve also turned to God in this difficult time for support and guidance. It’s so hard to see the light out of all of this, since all of my hopes and dreams with my ex have now vanished. If you could offer any insights in how to not blame myself for this, and how to trust in God, I would appreciate it so much.

  • NICKeisha

    Hi Diana, thank you for sharing your story. I’m glad I’m not alone. I just ended my engagement a month ago. My ex pulled away from me for months and he expressed all his doubts leaving me to do the work of ending the relationship. It’s the hardest thing I ever had to do in my life. But as I reflect and heal I can now see where the relationship had flags and holes. I’m glad there is this community of people talking about their broken engagements here cause now I don’t feel so alone or out of place, no one talks about broken engagements. I’m glad I have this in addition to the therapy and circle of friends and family who are supporting me in this season. Thank you for sharing the story, you’ve given me hope for my future too. I’m also glad you’re a fellow believer!

  • Rosenda

    Dear Diana,
    Thank you so much for sharing your story. The night my ex fiance broke up with me I was devastated and found your story which has helped immensely. I never pictured and end to our 5 year relationship ending so suddenly. It’s been a little over 5 weeks now since our engagement ended. I’m nowhere near fully healed, but I know its not the end of the world and seeing the blessings in this happening now than later. And I’m realizing Im so much stronger than I give myself credit for. It helps to know that I’m not alone and its so inspiring that you found your love. So thank you so much!

  • becky

    Hello, I have just found this page, I am 2 weeks in to my engagement breaking up and I am really struggling today, he sent me a voice note being very blunt about how it is really over, I have been trying to change his mind, please can you tell me how you deal with the anxiety and the desperate pineing feeling for them, I keep having dreams about him, any advice and help would be great. I have wonderful friends but it still doesn’t stop the feelings. Thank you for posting your story it has helped me today. Xx

  • Johanna A Dickson

    Hi Diana,
    I came across your posts while looking for resources on my recent breakup. I say recent but the engagement itself ended in April 2020. It completely blindsided me. He had been the one who chased me, who moved across the country to live with me, who brought up engagement first, who picked our wedding date. All of it had been him. He was adamant the break-up wasn’t about me, but him and where he was. He was struggling very badly, no job, the COVID crisis was just then upswinging, and he was dealing with unresolved trauma. In his own words, “I was drowning and I didn’t want you to drown too.” I was utterly gutted. What made matters more difficult was that we ended up living together for the remainder of our lease–until November. Not just living together, but sharing a bed, sharing all our meals, watching movies and tv every night. We were still together, just no longer engaged. He still even wanted to be intimate after a few drinks. When November finally came around, my friend suggested we do no contact after we went our separate ways. I suggested it and he agreed to it. But it’s been so hard. He texted me on Thanksgiving and he and all his friends are still following me on social media and engaging with my posts. I feel like I’m in suspended animation. On the one hand, I’m being told that he just wants time to work on himself, but my pessimism is nagging at me and thinking this is a long, drawn-out ghosting process. When I asked if he’d want to resume contact after no contact ended, he said “Of course.” Several times. He’s adamant he still loves me and cares deeply for me. He just can’t be in a relationship right now. At this point, I just don’t know what to do. He didn’t leave during those months together. He could have moved out at any point, but he stayed. With me. Would love to hear your thoughts on this very strange situation of mine! This post helped me A LOT.

  • Wen

    Thank you for sharing your story and teaching me how to rise above the trauma. I googled broken engagements and the first link I clicked was right to your page. I felt it’s God sending me an angel, because it’s such a coincidence that my wedding was originally scheduled for October 30th. Your dates, your faith, your coping… it all spoke to me! I just want you to know that you’re amazing and you are a big help to the rest of us who have gone through such heartaches. Take care and God bless you!

    • Diana Elizabeth

      Hi Wen, I am so glad you found my blog post too! I am here to encourage you and tell you everything will be OK more than OK. I am sorry that you are going through this and I know it’s difficult but I’m sending you a hug! Please join our private FB group if you haven’t already. The community is active and very supportive. xx

  • Shelley Meeks

    Hi Diana,
    A week ago today my fiancé broke up with me less than a month away from us getting married. My story is very similar to yours and it indeed felt like someone stabbed me in my heart. Something I never want to experience ever again. He had been living at my place for 2 months due to his lease running out and I think that brought everything out of us. We bickered a lot and Covid along with the election has escalated every bit of our differences. Unfortunately for him it wasn’t worth fighting for and the next day his dad flew in and his sister within the state helped him move out. I had to watch the whole thing. I cried my eyes out and he never spoke to me just left me with a pat on my back (literally). The first 3 days were the worst…I’m an emotional person but I have never cried that much in my life. Goodbye to my eye lash extensions. Luckily I have an amazing family and all my friends have rallied around me to show me love. With my condo being so empty, I spent the night at my parents house the first few nights till I was comfortable. Let me tell you I have thought and gone through every moment of our relationship. Most of which I’m not actually angry at him at all. Can’t say the same about my friends who want to kill him. But I believe that’s because I don’t want to let go of the possibility that he will change his mind. Even though he moved everything out to a storage unit and is staying at his parents in Michigan. While I’m sitting on the couch hoping he’ll come through the doors to say he made a huge mistake. I guess I’m in denial and I want to avoid facing reality that feels more painful than hoping. Reading your blog and watching the video literally has been what I’ve needed to hear. Right now things are still so fresh and I feel so naked without my ring and I’m almost hiding away from people and places because of it and the potential run ins with those who are clueless. Anyways, that felt good writing that out just now which was great advice from you. Thank you Diana for your encouragement and keep me in your prayers that God will reveal the truth and lead me in the right direction and give me the peace I’m lacking.

    • Diana Elizabeth

      Hi Shelley,

      Oh I am so sorry love, thank you for sharing you story – please join the FB group if you haven’t already. I will say two things, if you cannot see eye to eye on politics, it’s a very big deal. This goes into how you raise your children, your morals and ethics, and how you view the world. Politics can create a crazy wedge between people and I know this seeing friends who have married those with opposing views and its VERY difficult. Second, he gave you a pat on the back. What in the actual…like gross. Of course you aren’t mad at him, you still love him. Your friends can hate him for you until your heart and mind can catch up with what happened. What you are going through is very normal, the denial is difficult, but hang in there and just keep pushing forward. Don’t look back, if your relationship could not withstand the election and COVID, it probably wouldn’t have withstood a lifetime here. God spared you and I pray that you draw closer to Him during this time. I’m sending you a big hug. Again, please join that FB group if you haven’t, very active in there. xx

    • becky

      hello, I was wondering how you are doing now, I am struggling and in the same space as you describe, sat in my empty house hoping he will come back although I know he won’t. Its only been 2 weeks. Thank you for sharing and I hope your doing well xx

  • Shannon grezaffi

    Thank you. Just thanks for sharing your story. I look forward to better days.

  • Anthony E

    Thank you for this posting Diana. My fiancé left me a month ago and I am struggling to understand and move on. She did not give me much of a reason other than she fell out of love with me and wants to do her own thing (her exact words). I read this blog at least twice a day and watch your video whenever I drive. This blog has given me so much hope to continue to move on and know that my future wife is out there somewhere. Like you said, there is someone else out there who will be a better match. Thank you for your kind and inspiring words, I will continue to read your blog and pray to God daily and know that one day this pain will pass and I will find my future wife.


    • Diana Elizabeth

      Hi Anthony, thank you for taking the time to comment, your note blessed me knowing that I am doing what God has put on my heart. I am so sorry about what you are going through, those are tough words and really nothing ever can be said to make it feel less hurtful. I would love for you to join our private FB group if you haven’t already. We have a zoom call this Thursday with my husband and I to talk and answer questions. The community is active (160 members and growing daily), and it’s great to see members “graduate” and move on as they heal. Keep your faith and know that God knows exactly what he is doing. I will add you in my prayers and please let me know how you are doing.

  • Michelle

    Diana – Thank you for sharing this post. It has helped me probably more than you’ll ever know. Last week, my partner of 4.5 years called me from the airport on his way back to his hometown (where he decided to move back to while I was out of town) and dumped me over the phone. I got a TEXT the next day with an explanation – he isn’t ready for marriage and kids and doesn’t know when he will be. The hurt is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before, even though deep down I know I dodged a bullet. Reading your story gives me hope that I will find my happily ever after one day, too. Thank you again!

  • sj

    Thank you for telling your story. It has been one of the only things that have comforted me after my ex-fiance broke up with me 2 months before what was supposed to be our wedding.

  • Melissa

    Your words of wisdom are exactly what I needed right now. Two nights ago, my now ex-fiancé called off our engagement. We were due to get married December 6th and were engaged last December 23rd. We had only been dating since last May, so 7 months of dating. Your words helped me reach an acceptance that it’s truly over instead of focusing so much on how I could convince him to make things work. Your words helped me know that I didn’t do anything wrong and his choice was a reflection on his wants and needs for his life. I feel better equipped with a healing strategy after reading your article. I plan to reach out to my church for counseling and book a massage for myself. I’m also going to save this article for when I need to hear all of this again. I hope that I can one day share my story and help someone else in need as you have.

    Thank you, thank you thank you!

  • Liana

    I have a feeling I will re-read your story multiple times! My 4 year relationship blew up 2 weeks before the proposal was supposed to happen on a 2 week vacation with friends in Hawaii. I knew the engagement was coming, but I didn’t want to look into the future and see myself still feeling lonely in our relationship, along with other things like his priorities and responsibility in life/relationship. Religion was part of it, I was being pulled back to God and he “wasn’t at my level” as he kept saying. And didn’t want to be. We talked & mended the problems (I thought), 2 night before Hawaii he made new plans for the future & how things would be different. He said he needed to become better both for himself and for us. He told me everything is not over, he loved me, he still wanted to be with me. He decided he needed to go on the vacation alone with his 2 friends, to clear his head and “become better”. Even tho the friends he went with are not ones with great moral character & I found out he wished he was single while there so he could hook up with the hot girls he saw there. Wonderful! He got back home 2 weeks later and he kept putting off meeting with me, still said he loved me, talked everyday over text, 2 MONTHS ago by of back and forth not knowing what our relationship was going to be until he decided to end it. Over text. A 4 year relationship. The text was just excuses and b.s. he said we would meet for closure but it never happened. I got ghosted and dragged out & deceived after a 4 year relationship & ring with our names on it. Everything in your story I felt and still feel. It’s only been 2 weeks and I just know that he’s not hurting, meanwhile I don’t go a day without crying. & constantly having to tell family & friends who loved him, that we’re no longer together. It’s heartbreak each time. I don’t even want to get out of bed most days. It doesn’t help that the world is in quarantine and these thoughts easily take over. Thinking about the double life. What should be, what we planned. Idk where to go from here. I know God has a plan and I know he saved me from a marriage of loneliness and unequal yokes. Even so, it is still devastating and scary. I’m 25, young, still starting out, but I had my life on a certain track and now I gotta switch trains. Thank you for your story. It is inspiring and hopeful. I pray God heals my heart and fills me up, and brings my future Godly husband to me who will choose me everyday for the rest of his life.

    • Diana Elizabeth

      Hi Liana, I hope you do and it provides you comfort. You are young, and I’m glad you know that, and God has amazing plans for you. Remember you are exactly where you need to be. I will be praying for your future husband, a Godly husband who can lead you and yes, chooses you every day as you deserve. xo

    • becky

      Hello, I am also 2 weeks in and seems I’m feeling exactly like you were, please could you tell me how you are doing now?
      I am really struggling, I cant sleep without dreaming about him, I have terrible anxiety, how did you cope, I do hope you ok and doing better, thank you for sharing xx

  • Marie

    Thank you so much for sharing your story, your blog has helped me but also given me some insight on how my ex may be feeling and I feel horrible. We had been engaged for 9 months and I’m the one who called off the engagement because I realized that I was no longer happy and my gut feeling was just telling me that something was off. I made sure to end things with respect and did not tell him things to make him feel about about myself. I’m thankful that no wedding planning had begun and no money spent yet since I’m still in school full time and that is my priority right now. I was just not able to truly be myself in the relationship and like you stated when we were high and good we were GOOD but when we were LOW it was so horrible and I would always ask myself why I was in this relationship. I would go to bed crying and he wouldn’t even notice that I was crying or could care less. I gave him so many chances but it was just not enough, maybe we were just wrong for each other. The last straw was when he broke my trust again. I realized that with broken trust and no happiness I was being held captive in my own suffering in the relationship. I know i’m responsible for my happiness, but he didn’t even add happiness to the relationship. I’m still devastated but I hope I can continue healing and just keep telling myself everything happens for a reason. Thank you for being so inspiring and courageous. I’m trying to heal myself and become a better person.

    • Diana Elizabeth

      Hi Marie, thank you for being here and sharing yours. Even though you called off the engagement I can’t imagine it is any easier than being left! It’s still an incredibly heartbreaking difficult decision. Wow it sounds like we know what it was like to be in a high and low relationship, it’s not fair and it’s not what God wants for you. You reserve someone who lets you be who you are 100% and loves you just as you are – hang in there and push forward. You are exactly where you need to be right now. We have a community Facebook group if you want to join for support. xo


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