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10 Free or cheap ideas to redecorate and makeover your home inside and out!
I’ve redecorated a few times, or maybe a hundred times and I wanted to share 10 cheap and free ideas to makeover your home.
You don’t have to buy more to redecorate, sometimes you have accumulated too much clutter that you need to actually purge it!
I did this inside my house and outside – this meant those lawn ornaments I collected and trellises. Once I removed them (gave them away or donated) our place looked brand new like I just moved in and I could breathe! Then, you have a new clean slate and can decorate!
Look at every room and the front of your home and backyard for any “eye sores” need to finally that Dish network you don’t even have? Let it go!
2. remove plants and trim trees and bushes
Remove the ugly. Take a step back at the front of your home and pull out the ugly, overgrown plants that aren’t working for your landscape design or take a hedge trimmer and cut up your bushes! It’s amazing what trimming up your landscape can do and it costs nothing!
Remove planters and pots if you have too many. Never liked that bush or cactus? Take it out, ask a friend if she wants it. Then, you can go to the nursery and buy some seasonaly appropriate flowers.
3. Replace photos in frames
After you go through your frames and donate a few old ones that don’t fit your style, look at the favorite frames you are keeping and update them with new images! Just print them off your phone with Google Photos or MPix. I like to keep frames fresh within the last year to celebrate life progressing. I like to place all my frames on one table or desk.
4. Paint
Seems obvious but I had to mention it just incase you forgot. Paint the outside of your home, the front door, shutters, or a room. Refresh the worn paint, or paint it a new color.
5. Swap artwork throughout YOUR HOME
I have a lot of artwork in our home so, I move pieces around constantly for a refresh. It’s an easy way to refresh your spaces! Not enough artwork? Head to your local thrift store and find some original oil pantings or artwork!
6. Do a home goods swap with friends
A few years ago I asked my friend Jennifer if she wanted some of my things, she did and then she said, “Do you want these plates?” and we swapped! Keep in mind, once you give it to someone like a gift, it is up to them to do what they want with it — sell it, regift it, etc. Just sayin’ (a friend told me this and it has helped release of any expectations).
If you want it more structured, create a group text and say, let’s post some photos of things we’re getting rid of and if you want it, come get it! Or have a group garage sale (which you will then probably shop one another’s items).
7. get new pillow THROW covers
Pillow covers really change the look of a couch instead of getting a new couch. You can find great pillow covers in designer fabric on Etsy (or not designer just pretty). I always overstuff them with a down fill. My favorite Etsy shops for pillow covers: Pillow Fever, 3B Mod Living, Jackie Rae Studios.
These are the best pillow fills from Amazon (get it 2″ larger than the pillow cover). Also, get LARGE pillows! No dinky ones. 22″ or larger! Measure top to bottom or side to side, not diagonal like a TV as I have accidentally done before… oops.
8. Replace lamp shades
Lampshades with a pretty pleat, print, or tassel will make your room come alive! Most lamps come with a basic shade and shape, but imagine the possibilities with printed pleated shades, a bell shade, or texture of a rattan shade! Lamp shades aren’t cheap (and trust me when I say the expensive ones are worth the splurge) but they can be cheap if you source them from the right places. I’ve found new ones at thrift stores and Target, Home Goods, and Walmart sell decent priced lamp shades.
9. Go to garage sales and estate sales
We have enough in our home and I’m done redecorating with the big furniture so I’ve come up with a personal rule. I go to estate sales only on 50% off days. I no longer need to be in line for that couch I saw online, I want bargains. Check out for an estate sale near you and to be alerted for garage sales.
10. Pressure wash your home and driveway
Pressure washing your driveway, sidewalk and side of your home (careful, the paint might come off depending on how old your paint job was), it can transform the look of your home by getting rid of the grime, dust, and slime. I watch a YouTube video and this guy goes to overgrown homes with neglected lawns and he mows them and pressures washes driveways for free and I am addicted! It’s called SB Moving check it out here. Don’t have a pressure washer? Borrow one from a neighbor or rent one from Home Depot for a few hours.
Usually when we have less which will make our spaces look more inviting, cleaner, and a new space! I am a maximalist but I know when my house feels cluttered (t0 me) I have a personal threshold and that’s when I start grading boxes and filling them!
- Purge anything that is tired looking. Plants, worn furniture, flat pillows, things that just look gross or worn. Let it go, it has served you.
- Decide who you are or want to be, like your style. Go around your home and if it no longer fits your “vibe” or your future self or style, donate it.
- Just because you bought it or spent a lot on it, if it’s no longer serving you, give it another life by donating it to bless someone else.
- Making room is the best thing to do – if it feels crowded on your patio or in a room or hallway, either move the furniture to a different area, or get rid of it.