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New Garden Update + Answering FAQ about Gardening
With home renovations is there ever a finish line? *wink*
The area grew grass real quickly, it was all dirt moved around from the front landscape to back here and it was suggested I throw the good dirt into my garden beds but since I know better, I knew there would be grass roots and seed in them so I raked the piles out into the area – and with lots of rain while I was gone, it just exploded into this lawn. So glad this isn’t in my beds! Could you imagine?
The rounded bamboo and the smaller skinny bamboo I found from the 99 Cents Only Store. I thought it was easy to create for the small beds – these are to act as a trellis for my tomatoes and vines that need to climb.
I used these very large bamboo stakes to help straighten my rose bushes. I highly having some on hand for multiple uses – they come in several widths and they are great because they are natural, fast growing and you can pretty much create any kind of trellis or support you need with them. I found so many ideas while in Taiwan – see this post.
Below, you have to check out these chicken wire cloches from (c/o), they are great to protect your plants from pests and also protect the seeds from birds – also pests. I am not gardening to feed the birds, but I’ve been really lucky because they haven’t realized my garden area has moved, tee hee! The longer one is available here – and I am currently using it in my garden beds over some seeds. They are so great to have on hand and you can still see your beautiful plant and they get enough sunlight. I just love looking at them when they are not in use as well!
I started most of the plants you see from seed (read how to seed start here) my own from a harvest last year. Then I sprinkled a ton of poppy seeds all over and wished them luck – under as many cloches. They made it and I am praying they grow quickly before the heat comes.
Ok now that I’ve updated you on our garden area, I’m going to answer a few FAQ I’ve been getting this past week. It sounds like many of you are trying to figure out how to keep the garden alive, and so I’m here to give you my own personal experience living in Zone 9.
When do I water my garden?
In the morning, I’d do it right when the sun comes out when it’s still a little cool so you plants have water to make it through the day. In the summer I water it twice a day, but I avoid the middle of the day because sometimes the water droplets can cause the leaves to burn (if it’s direct sun). If I water it again it again around dusk to help keep it a little moist so it can last by morning. This is what I do for zone 9.
How long should I water my garden?
I water mine for at least 5 minutes, it depends on your drip irrigation flow. You don’t need the plants to be soaking but say you rake back some of the soil that doesn’t look wet and it is, you’re good to go. If you overwater you’ll notice the leaves turn a yellow, so just cut back on watering.
How do you water your garden?
We set it up on a timer and with our sprinkler drip system. We planned ahead but you can easily buy a water timer and attach a hose to it and it’ll water your beds for you. We did this for the raised wood beds we had close to our porch.
Where should I place my garden?
Ideally your garden should get morning sun and get shade by evening. In Phoenix this is super important because it will bake if it’s getting afternoon through evening sun. I still placed my beds (no longer there) on the east side but I strategically placed trees around it for shade. It worked but I also knew come summer it was not realistic to think I could keep much growing so I would rest and plant in only fall and spring.
Today, this new garden area is still not in the deal location – leave it to me to always place it where I want instead of where it should be. Part of our beds will never get direct sun, so I placed kale there which is happy. In the areas that do get direct sun, though brief, tomatoes and basil. I will see how it does and adjust accordingly. If I need more space for vegetables I can use the bottom area which I currently use for flowers.
Where do I get soil for the garden beds?
Home Depot or any nursery. Read what you’re getting to make sure it’s what you need it for versus potting soil. I ordered a mulch mix which consists of mulch and dirt. You should also have some fertilizer/plant food as time goes to feed your plants. I also do this for indoor plants too, they have special ones for them!
Do I seed start or do I put the seeds right into the soil?
Either or with seed starting you have better control and depending on timing, you can ensure your seedlings can transplant better. It’s like your own nursery. You can also start an earlier harvest because you have temperature control inside your home and you can transplant the starters earlier than waiting for the outside and ground to be warm or cool enough to sow a seed. You’re just buying more time with seed starting though it’s more consuming with time. Read this post on how to seed start.
Some say direct sow into the ground like carrots, so I would just listen to that and sow them. Use these cloche covers to protect them from birds and pests. You can also use tulle to drape over so the seeds still get light and protect them.
Do I need supports for any of the things I’m growing?
If it’s going to climb or grow, pretty much yes. Tomatoes, peppers, peas, squash, I have every kind of trellis you can imagine for these things. Check some out here. Also the bamboo comes in handy to make your own! Just get some bamboo stakes and lashing cord.
What should I be growing?
If you are in Zone 9, here is a vegetable planting guide for Maricopa County. It tells you when you start to sow seeds, or to transplant (like if you grew seeds from seed starting or bought from a nursery).
Cardigan: Odd Molly (wearing size medium)
Benjamin told me his grandma would love my cardigan. Yes, she would and so would any gal who appreciates details and knits! I was sad when this cardigan sold out, and then was happy to see it was back on the site so you can buy it. I feel like I’m wearing the most adorable little sweater it makes me happy to wear it and when I’m in my happy place even better!
I have a few gardening books coming in for me to review, I am looking forward to learning more and reporting back what I find! Hope your gardens are growing and you’re staying happy and healthy. xx
1. Fiskars Kangaroo Collapsible Container Gardening Bag, 30 Gallon | 2. Tubtrug | 3. Fiskars PowerGear2 Bypass Lopper, 32 Inch | 4. Fiskars PowerGear2 UltraBlade Softgrip Pruner | 5. Raised Bed Corner, 8 Inch Set of 2 Aluminum | 6. Japan Saw Tooth Sickle | 7. Gilmour Brass Hose Quick Connector | 8. Somerset Hat | 9. FitFlop Wonderwelly (ergonomic) , I love Hunter boots but not the ankle ones | 10. Tubtrug Tool Organizer | 11. Chicken Wire Cloche + 3-in-1 Chicken Wire Cloche | 12. Bamboo Poles & Bamboo Stakes | 13. Fiskars Micro-Tip Pruning Snips | 14. Large Markers, Set of 25 | 15. Sophie Conran Everyday Gardening Gloves | 16. Galvanized Seed Saver Kit | 17. Organic GrowEase Seed Starting Success Kit | 18. Gilmour 50′ AquaArmor Lightweight Hose
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