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We have a rug winner!
So, we unrolled the first, which was the antelope rug. Looked great, so soft like the rest of my rugs. You can catch up on the process on this post.
^^ Antelope print hand-knotted beige area rug
Then I unrolled the floral which is a hand knotted wool rug and I was like WOW. But then I got confused because I loved them both – one made my spaces feel grand millennial with a bit contemporary which is how I am, but deep down I wanted that one of a kind (and originally priced at $4500) rug that might have leaned me more toward “granny” but really, I think it’s upscale and timeless.
^^ Floral wool handknotted rug.
In fact one of my friends even said I was too young for the floral carpet, too grandma-ish and I think sometimes my friends forget that’s the golden word to me. Done.
Trying to decide
But Benjamin told me to sit with each rug for an hour and text my friends. Friends are kind of helpful until they aren’t and then you’re left with 50/50 and even more confused. Some friends thought it would be a great idea to keep both and have a summer and a winter rug. Yeah I would love that, but do you have $3000 to spare on just fun rugs to exchange though season? Maybe if I didn’t have to lift a finger and I could just hire someone to do it all as I pointed and commanded furniture and rugs to be moved millimeters. I also wonder how fancy my friends think I am.
And just when I proposed the idea to my best friend Meagan, she text back, “Maybe summer / winter but to be honest, where do you draw the line at just being content with a rug?! I think pick one & commit!”
TRUTH. Even my friend who said floral might have taken me too granny said it wasn’t worth the $1600 extra in storage to not be used half the year.
So I told Benjamin, let’s just fully unroll one and put the furniture back on and decide from there – give each one a shot so I can visually the entire look. Well it took forever. Like, an hour to get the rug situated correctly and evenly on the rug pad. I helped by laying there. No really, I stabilized one end of the rug as Benjamin jumped to tug it slightly to the edge of the rug pad. We’re so sophisticated.
Once we put the couch back on the floral rug I was like Wow this really is gorgeous. And I’m tired, and sweaty, and I think deep down even though I have a few cons – such as the likelihood you’ll see more wear and foot traffic (even though we remove our shoes) on it, I just really love it.
This space still isn’t done – I might swap the chairs back once the Hickory Chairs come back from upholstery. This is just where everything is for now.
I still want an antelope rug. I’ve been trying to make that happen though unsuccessfully – but either the wrong color was sent, or it didn’t come in the right width I needed …and I’m running out of rooms to add it so I’m not sure if it’s happening. That’s OK though, I have a wool leopard in my office anyway wall to wall and I love it!
Yeah the PB couch is still there. Waiting for me to let it go. I need to just admit I have to let it go.
But exciting news – I know what I want to go there!!! I want a chaise lounge or a daybed by the window, like fancy Italian style or something just pretty. It needs to go there so I can lay back like I have and watch TV from afar – or take a nap. Or even pull it up closer to the TV and join the crowd if I wanted. I can’t decide if I want a foot at the end like a real day bed, or maybe I want it open like a chaise for feet to dangle off.
^^ Gray French Louis XVI Style Day Bed
^^ Vintage Regency Carved Daybed
By the way, don’t ever plan a bathroom door open right into a living space (it’s the door around the corner, not the door you see now which is the party closet). Bad idea. This KINDA works fine since there’s no living space there except for the Murphy bed, but because the bathroom door opens into that space is why I refuse to turn it into a larger formal siting area. It is handy to have this open space though for our monthly in home massages, my weekly workout/stretches and a place to just spread out for certain projects, but…. it is what it is.
Here’s the other side where you can see my PB couch shoved back there. Why is it so hard to part with, or rather just the idea of selling it seems dreadful? FBMP is a great place to buy but can be so difficult for sellers with scams, bots and indecisive people.
There’s the bathroom door. I’m not sure where else we could have put it anyway. Maybe if I could have made a little hallway and turned the linen closet. I’m probably just being overly picky at the moment.
I do need to get that couch sold. Did you know if you bought it new today it would be $3500 not including tax or shipping? I can’t believe it! It makes me want to hang onto my furniture now but I also know that we don’t need to do that….
On another note, did you watch Martha Stewart’s Great American Tag Sale? It was a fun watch and also makes me want to host a private sale this fall. The photo studio is no longer a photo studio but a storage for my overflow of home decor items I need to sell. I just keep dumping items in the photo studio and it’s so shameful!
Well, that’s the update for now, the upholstery cleaning team is about to come and clean the estate sale sofa!
Diana Elizabeth finally picked up peonies at Trader Joe’s. They were $9.99 a bunch. She was a little shocked at the price and she thinks things are getting so pricey now. She also thinks a recession is about to happen. What do you think?