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A book about healing from a broken engagement
This passion project of mine that God put on my heart is ready for the world in a few days. I don’t feel ready yet, but I also feel ready.
More eyes on the content to ensure editing is at its finest, even after a professional edit. Then I overthink words, I remove sentences, I think there’s more to share and I know that I need to stop and hit publish. The book is called In Repair: A Guide to Healing from a Broken Engagement.
It’s so much harder when you’re the boss of everything, including handling the publication of your book. When is it ever done? I’m a blogger – I can always go back and edit a blog but I can’t do this with a book! I look at the book and I don’t know how I wrote it to be honest. I don’t know where the words came from, I don’t recall the time spent on it, but I know it was hours, it was over a year. And somehow, here we are and it feels like all a blur.
I feel honored to have a foreword by my counselor, Gini Larsen.
Here is a video of when I hit the stage with Gini Larsen to discuss the healing process –
There are flourishes in the book to add a touch of design.
And we start the story here…
Each chapter closes in a prayer and has scripture as well.
I told myself I would make it hopefully by the end of October because finally things were in place, final eyes on it, revisions, etc. I was shocked we could make it to be honest, and as I looked at the calendar to pick a date, I didn’t want Halloween, so I figured the 29th, then I went back and said, no let’s do Saturday the 30th!
Then I realized it was that same day 12 years ago when the wedding was called off. Then two years later that same day I announced I was engaged to Benjamin. And here we are, years later releasing a book on that same day. God is in every small detail in our life guiding us when we don’t even know. The timing is all unintentional, trust me I am not a date person (and I rarely remember) but wow how crazy that all of this time, waiting, patiently for the right time when everything feels right that THIS is the time.
A chapter that has closed so long ago but God told me to reopen, is finally going to be completed. What a relief, what a journey.
So here’s the cover, image taken by Autumn Renae, the cover design by me, and a title, the same title as a John Mayer song. It all feels right, and I’m ready to be obedient and hit publish.
It’s my prayer that this book about healing from a broken engagement helps walk through the broken engagement healing process. There are 7 healing chapters and 13 emergency chapters for the hard questions, like what to do with the engagement ring after a broken engagement, what do you do with the wedding dress and rings, what do you do the day of the would have been wedding? Or you go on your first date after the broken engagement and you come home in tears. It’s all the questions, topics and discussion that has been going on in the private Facebook group and also what I went through. I get it, it’s hard and rarely do we have any friends who have gone through the same thing, which is why I wrote this book so I am that friend to walk you through it. Each chapter has a prayer and scripture at the end that I hope encourages readers as they heal.
“This book will be the beginning of a healing journey from shame and rejection to an awakening of hope and confidence.” – Gini Larsen, Biblical Hope Counseling
Order now: In Repair: How To Heal from a Broken Engagement
Available softcover and Kindle.
Diana Elizabeth is ready to rest and be in her new backyard.