woman in pink jumpsuit infant of Bougainvillea plant

Thrifting Finds, New Products, and the Feeling of Free

Sharing what I’ve purchased lately at estate sales and eBay, and how the first six months of my life shift has been.

woman in pink jumpsuit infant of Bougainvillea plant wearing large straw hat oversized
woman in pink jumpsuit infant of Bougainvillea plant
woman in pink jumpsuit infant of Bougainvillea plant
woman in pink jumpsuit infant of Bougainvillea plant

Jumpsuit: Club Monaco (old) / Louis Vuitton Cuffs: here and here  

t’s been a great first half of the year for me after shifting work and life gear (read post) priorities. It’s been so odd because to some, I might have looked busier on IG, but really what I was doing is posting when I felt like it.  I mentally decided to let go of things I cannot control and ridiculous expectation I have on myself (like WHY do I think I have to post every day? WHY??? Does the world NEED to hear from me everyday, why force it? Do I have something to say?). I think it’s one thing to want to and have information to share, and another to feel like it’s a must-do every day. It isn’t for me.

I’m having a great time using my platform more so, and as my Chloe Digital account manager says, it’s because I feel FREE.

I might try some new indoor hobbies, work on projects that have been pending for a while – and I mean a WHILE – and wrap them up. There’s no better time than now. Oh, and I’m also planning my upcoming birthday party this fall. It’s going to be a bigggggg one because it’s a big number, LOL.

Let’s talk about things that were sent in from PR, things I’ve bought and what’s happening around here!

Buxom Vibe Island Collection

One of my favorite makeup brands Buxom has me on their PR list and I don’t know what I did to deserve it and I am THANKFUL! I tried out their new Tiki Bar Eye and Cheek Palette – from the LIMITED EDITION Buxom Vibe Island Collection! and paired with their new Full-on Plumping Lip Cream colors that have such fun names! I love the colors and I wish this palette would stay forever – a great value too! Tiki Bar Eye and Cheek Palette, Buxom Cosmetics, $39.

Back to the Brow Pencil

I decided to go back to a pencil and make lines over my micro bladed brows! I was in Ulta buying for another campaign (Neutrogena) and I want to use pomade a bit more sparingly. So I saw the Brow Wiz and decided to go for it after taking a horrific selfie of my brows just to figure out my color (it was a QR code on the product). Worth it. I like how my brows look already. Anastasia Beverly Hills, $23 at Ulta.

Italian Candelabra

I bought a thing, and now I just saw how much the shipping was DOH. Oh well, eBay, you get me. I almost bought another but I stopped myself. The blue and white is so pretty and I thought that it would be a unique piece to have on the dining room table. Just need to figure out how the candles will stick. I’m loving these rope taper candles at World Market.

My go-to dinner

Trader Joe’s is a life saver and I still don’t know why I didn’t go there in my twenties it would have helped me survive and eat better. Anyway, I love these two things because well, artichokes would be a part of my every day diet if they were in season and thanks to these jars, they are haha! Just 10 minutes and we’re fed!

Heisey Rose by Heisey

I went to an estate sale on the first day in Sun City but at the end of the day. I wanted to go earlier but had morning obligations around the house which was probably for the best. I went anyway and didn’t find much which made me sad since it was a 40 minute drive, but then I saw the rose stemware and decided I needed to buy them all. The water goblets and the random other stemware and bought it all for $40. They are made 1949 to 1957. Click here to see some available online. This is also a great site for replacement dishes.

Put a bow on it

I found an estate sale I loved and went a total of 3 times!! The first I bought the oriental chest you saw here, and then I went a few days later with Benjamin and found this tablecloth for $2! Later in the week I saw these bow napkin holders at the Dove Thrift Store that benefits the Hospice of the Valley and I had to buy them too, I think I paid $6 or $8!

Silver Polishes

I’m often asked what silver polish I use. It’s a lot of different ones and no favorites yet in particular but I’ll let you know come holiday season when it’s time to bring everything back out!

More things

Sometimes when I am on a roll I really go full blown obsessed. This can be good and bad. It just depends on my mood and the time I have. I mentioned I visited an estate sale three times and the last time I went it was 50% off and I bought this lamp for $7.50, and some vases for under $3! If you buy a pretty vase it doesn’t matter what flower you put in it, it’s a statement! There are a few other things that I picked up at a thrift store, it was a good day buying some beautiful items with character and were a bargain too!

And that’s it for the update – even though the ones that don’t have photos include a new backyard gate, the panel on the wall and wrapping up the office decorating. There’s still so much more to share so I’ll save that for next time. xx

woman in pink jumpsuit infant of Bougainvillea plant woman in pink jumpsuit infant of Bougainvillea plant

Diana Elizabeth and Benjamin are trying to figure out backyard design plans and cannot agree on much. Did you know they don’t about anything at all but cannot agree on landscape much? It’s the strangest thing!


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Diana Elizabeth Steffen setting the table for her annual garden party


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Diana Elizabeth is an author, photographer, and obsessive thrift shopper. You can typically find her in the garden wrist deep in dirt, at a local estate sale or planning her next creative themed party. She continues to blog weekly.


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