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What to buy someone who has everything – 7 Ideas

But I’m here (as a difficult friend to buy for) to tell you it’s never about the gift itself so don’t worry, it really is more about the thought. I love receiving gifts but ONLY because it means my friend has thought about me ahead of time. ♥ But I’m sure you may want to get something that is well received, purposeful, or at least get some ideas (also hostess gifts) so here are some of mine!
I will say that as a hostess, if a friend (who is like family) brings food and helps with the meal like dessert, I LOVE that and prefer it over a gift!!! If you don’t know the hostess very well, it would be great if you have time to bring something even if small, it’s classy and just a nice gesture. But if you’re like family, ask if you can pick up ice or some food – that’s more than enough. Or if you’re super close, ask if you can come over early to help set up. Meagan always helps me with this every time, I feel like she’s my co-host. She comes early and she helps clean up dishes before she leaves, even if she leaves early!
Food is always a good idea! My friend Lauren has gifted me a few times her homemade candy apples. I die every time. Brandy gifts me her cinnamon rolls. I will eat it, and enjoy it long after the company is gone. A box of See’s Candies or Godiva always makes me squeal! And lastly, Trader Joe’s always has some delicious seasonal dessert items if you’d like to swing by and your talents aren’t kitchen related (like myself). Also check out Williams-Sonoma, they have excellent holiday food gifts, which make excellent hostess gifts too!
Who doesn’t love candles? But scents are so personal! Can I be bold and suggest buying from a higher end brand such as Jo Malone, Diptique, Volupsa, or any Anthropologie candle. The candles are going to be better quality, prettier jars, and if your friend is picky about candles (um, me sorry) then the throw of the candle and scents are very important. Go natural, as my friend Lory says, she prefers scents found in nature opposed to baked cookies, etc. I couldn’t agree more – actually another friend of mine who loves candles said she doesn’t like the sweet scent it makes her sick. Oh, and pick a candle that doesn’t have colored wax, white in a clear jar or pretty jar will match any decor, even your fancy friend. Just be aware if your friend isn’t a candle lover and prefers natural oils.

If you can send them before a party that would be wonderful! Grace Rose Farm offers gorgeous roses! Or, you can gift even Trader Joe’s fillers, or a decorated Christmas tree or plant – something that you won’t expect it to live beyond a few months – because pressure! I used to be so scared when people gifted me a house plant like I wish they gave me cut flowers instead because I had pressure to keep it alive – and often failed but today I am happy to receive herbs, indoor plants, any plant!
Hydrating face masks, your favorite hand cream (mine is Chanel), face lotion, lip balm, your favorite dry shampoo you want to share, we all need more pampering in our lives. Bath bombs, sugar scrubs – but be aware if your friend is only into the natural stuff to make sure it will be used, I love Citrine Natural Beauty Bar, they are local too!
As a maximalist I collect a lot of things. Wedgwood Jasperware, Mackenzie Childs anything, British Royal family, Princess Diana things, if I collect things, your friend might have a small collection too! Pottery, blue and white, vases, brooches, vintage jewelry, vintage something…? If you aren’t sure what they collect, ask!

Did you know a person’s favorite word is their name? That’s what they say! So if you get anything, a necklace, something engraved, a barrette, they will love it! You can find a lot of these goodies on Etsy. Meagan has gotten me so many things every year with my name on it and I couldn’t care what it was, it has my name on it, I instantly love it! A great place to look: Baublebar

Do you have a skill that perhaps you could create something beautiful and amazing? Sewing, knitting, painting, your may have a beautiful skill that a friend would ADORE if you made them something! It’s true like mom says, she prefers handmade anything from you. My friend Brandy painted our home for my birthday gift and we proudly hung it on the wall right by our front door. But of course only make it if it brings you joy, don’t be stressed out about it because sometimes buying is easier.
A few years ago, my girlfriend Sommer dropped off a piece of cake, and a “D” necklace for me on my birthday with one of the most heartfelt cards I’ve read in a while. It meant so much to me just the effort – and also that she lives about 35+ minutes away from me. It really is the thought! Offer to take a friend out for coffee or a meal (if it’s their birthday) and treat them! That quality time is more than enough and if you have a busy friend, just dessert?
Photos by Kate Nelle
This post was updated from December 2020.
Hi Diana! Love your blog and gift ideas. I’d like to suggest a brand too that I have found for candles (especially for those who may have allergies-I personally don’t but these are still nice even if you don’t): BasicBeeCandleCo on Etsy. They sell 100% percent beeswax candles with only essential oils added. I really like them and they have some beautiful winter scents right now.