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Happy New Year, some thoughts

Happy New Year!
How was your holiday season, Christmas and New Year? I had a blast as always, my most favorite time of the year but it was really packed so I think I will change a few things for more down time. There were moments I felt like I was rushing from one thing to the next and the rushed feeling can get a bit exhausting. I thought I’d share some thoughts and what I plan to change next year.
Changes to my next holiday season, starting a week before and after December –
- No services at the house – except my cleaning lady. As much as I would love other deep cleaners, a massage, or house appointments, those services can resume after the holidays.
- Host only two things at the house, my ornament party and girl gang pajama party, rotate other traditions if possible. This year I hosted three and I think rotating will be great to share the joy of hosting and mix it up!
- No work. I’ve been working less as an influencer over the past two years but I’m still doing photography.
- Only go to events I want to go to. Between the parties I host and the ones I’m invited to, I can’t go to smaller things as a friend’s guest.
- No meetings, not even Skype. Don’t care what it’s about, we can resume business in the new year or discuss over email!
In the end the moral of the story is more rest and sitting at home enjoying my Christmas tree and holiday decor so I can have a bit of rest between all the fun holiday things! Boy it’s been a great season and it flies by as it always does every year. I hope you had a wonderful season of rest!
I’m not one for resolutions but I’ve decided if I picked a few words of how I’d like people to think of me and what actions I would need to take to be described as that word, it will keep me focused this year. For example, generous, thoughtful, hospitable. So gifts, philanthropy, checking in on friends, welcoming, warm, etc. A quick google search will give many ideas. This also allows you to serve others throughout the year if you think about it, opposed to the “me” mentality.
Have you thought about making some changes for next year too? Let me know.