I cannot believe I am saying this, but I am a part of a cookbook club. I know! Me.
If you’ve been around here lately, it’s safe to assume it’s not because I like to cook, but I do like to host and set a table, but it’s really because of the ladies who encouraged me to be in a new cookbook club of 6. I really just want to hang out if we’re being honest and so I’ll figure out a way to cook the easiest thing (as to not ruin the entire dinner as I am not a confident cook) and show up to enjoy their company.
I’ve been feeling a need to be creative so I brought my camera along to capture some pretty moments.
The peach branches are from my peach tree. When Lauren Marco Polo’d me asking me to cut some of my branches off WITH PEACHES on them I responded back with big eyes like uhhhh yes I can make that happen but I’m scared but I’ll figure it out. You know, pruning is important and also if I cut off that branch will I get more peaches next season? But also, why are all the clusters in the wrong spot?
Clearly I figured it out and it worked nicely!
How to start a cookbook club
I’ll give a quick few sentences on how to start a cookbook club – as this is from Lauren’s expertise of being in a few.
The volunteer host selects the book, sets the date after coordinating with everyone and goes through the recipe book to offer a few different types of dishes. First come first claim in a text message. The host sets the table (although really everyone helps set and clean up) and ta-da.
Ours is at a comfortable 6. Pick committed people but when life happens that’s ok! If there’s someone who can’t make it and gives enough time, the host can fill the seat with a guest of their choice (given that guest has proper time to prep and bring a dish too!). Hope this inspires you to have a cookbook club. Ours will meet quarterly.
Other ideas – You could also allow the host the option to invite others if they can accommodate seating. Hosts should make the main course to be safe because guests can have emergencies and the main course is the most important!
I must apologize to Laura because I forgot to put the delicious toppings on her Jo's Cherry Burrata! I was too excited!
It was a fun night sharing stories and enjoying an incredibly delicious meal. It was a way to pitch in and enjoy all these different dishes without having to make the entire meal oneself! What a lovely night!
Buy Magnolia Table on Amazon here. You can also find many of her recipes for free on her website here. Thanks Lauren for hosting our first dinner and making it happen!
Diana Elizabeth is an author, photographer, and obsessive thrift shopper. You can typically find her in the garden wrist deep in dirt, at a local estate sale or planning her next creative themed party. She continues to blog weekly.