3 ways to fertilize your garden

We fertilize our plants several times a year.  I want to share how we fertilize, when, and the tools we use so you can find the easiest tool for you!

I fertilize when I know there’s going to be growth again, like the end of spring after the first flush of blooms, or the beginning of summer.  It gives plants  a little help to make it through the summer.

When I fertilize my plants

TIP: Look up what works best in your growing zone and for your plants. You can also use granular fertilizers and scratch them into the dirt by the roots. They slow release over time. 

Liquid fertilizer

Plants will absorb the fertilizer immediately. Instead of using a watering can, buy a liquid fertilizer sprayer and attach it to your hose nozzle. Add the fertilizer (follow instructions) and the water automatically mixes it as it sprays.


TIP: Best for plants that are stressed from heat, pests or any disease.

A lightweight hose

A lightweight or expandable hose will make the application process easier! 

Granular fertilizers (left)

Granular fertilizers will dissolve or decompose over time to feed the plants. Scratch them into the dirt by the roots and they slow release over time.


Stake fertilizers (right)


Pound them into the ground at the edge of how far the tree canopy is – that’s usually how far the roots stretch. It is also slow release. 

Granular fertilizer preferences

I use granular fertilizers around our roses and other plants around our garden.

Stake fertilizer preferences

I like to use the stake fertilizers for larger bushes and trees, especially citrus, before they flower to produce fruit!